
How quickly do you feel something stuck?

on 4/25/10 7:07 am - Alexandria, VA

I just got to soft foods + pureeds and I'm curious--if you get something stuck, how quickly do you feel it? Would it be immediate/durring meal or would it be a few hours later?

And what, exactly, does it feel like?

I have this weird pain that suddenly came in the center of my chest; like between my cleavage, and it feels like nothing I've ever felt before...wondering if this is it? Except I haven't eaten in a few hours....?

on 4/25/10 10:18 am, edited 4/25/10 10:19 am
That's exactly how if feels. It feels kind of weird bc your band is not placed that high but when something gets stuck I normally feel it right in the middle of my chest. I usually notice it a bite too late bc by the time I realized that something is stuck, I've compounded the problem and have taken another bite or two (I still eat too fast). Once I notice it I usually sit for a while and see if it will pass, if it does not I make it come back up. One time I tried to drink something to push is down and that was a big mistake! It just made things worse and the food plus the water came right back up. To me, it sounds like you've gotten something stuck. It shouldve worked its way down by now, if it is still there I would bring it back up. I don't know if that's the best thing to do but I know that at times it is the only thing that brings me relief.
on 4/25/10 10:25 am - Alexandria, VA

On a Sunday evening and I felt like no one was out there! :)

 It seems to have passed...but holy cow it was strange! I didn't get any of that salivating/"sliming" or feel nauseas at all...and I hadn't eaten anything for several hours so I thought it was strange to feel something "stuck" hours later but not in the middle of the meal....?

I've been able to eat/drink just fine since....so weird.

Thanks so so so much
on 4/26/10 1:06 am - Morrisville, PA
As soon as you swallow something you will know it is stuck.  You have pain just above your chest and you have a lot of thick saliva...slimming.  The only way for my pain to stop is getting it up.  What you experienced sounds more like a gallbladder attack. 
            No longer a slave to hunger!                        
on 5/2/10 1:54 pm - Springfield, VA
I had an incident like this, and I plan on talking to my DR bout it on Wednesday.  It was several hours after i ate.  I have had "stuck incidents" before, and those happen less than a minute after i swallow, so this struck me as odd.  I drank some water, and that went down just fine... so i knew i wasnt stuck like before.  It hurt, almost to the point where i couldnt hold a conversation.  I walked around and sat up straight while i thought about if i should wait a little bit, or call my DR right away on a saturday.  

then i let out a huge burp.  and i was ok. 

it happened again, and i couldnt make myself burp... i just had to wait until the burp decided it was time.  no fun.  im gonna ask why this happens, and how i can prevent it.  I'll let you know what i find out. 
on 5/27/10 12:17 pm - Sharpsburg, GA
Did you find out anything?  I have been having this same thing happening to me and tonight it was the worst!  I ended up throwing up because it got to the point where I couldn't breath and the pain was terrible!  I stuck my finger down my throat and up it came and then I felt great!  So weird...please let me know!

Dawn AKA Nikki
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