
Soooo hungry!

Pam H.
on 4/24/10 7:50 am - Lincoln, RI
My husband Tom just had surgery on Wednesday and he is complaining that he is very hungry. Is this normal? I had  by-pass surgery almost four years ago, but I clearly remember not being the least bit hungry. I know the two surgeries are very different, but I thought with the band in place (although not filled) would give him the sensation of fullness. Plus, there must be post-op swelling that would also contribute to a feeling of fullness.  He is not willing to post right now, so I'm asking for him.
on 4/24/10 8:26 am - Shrewsbury, PA
 Hi Pam,
Sorry to hear that he's already getting the hungry horrors!  I'm a little over two weeks out myself.  I can only speak to my own experience, but I have to say that I really didn't have much hunger until a little more than a week out.  And, though I was hungry, putting much food down was not an option. Too hard to do with the swelling.  Is he spreading out his "meals"?  I was told to do small amounts every couple of hours or so, which seemed to keep things a little more controlled.  Today is probably the most hunger I have felt.  And, I haven't been splitting those meals up like I was.  Drinking the water helps some.  For the past few days I've been downing a protein shake in between the meals..seems to help..Good luck!  It is quite an adjustment as you well know. :)
You already know what fails.  You also know what works.    Pick one.     
Pam H.
on 4/24/10 10:41 am - Lincoln, RI
Thanks Sue, he is doing clear liquids this week. He is allowed to put protien in his clears, and he has been spreading out his "meals" if you can call broth and juice a meal. I personally don't think he's drinking enough, but he's still on a diuretic to help with his high blood pressure and he complains he has to urinate all the time. He will work through it, but it's helpful to know others understand.
on 4/24/10 9:01 am
I had my band placed about 1 1/2 ago and never did it make me feel full. Only when I ate slow and chewed my food really well did it make me feel full. Theres nothing that really helps with the hungryness from what I'm told. If he feels hungry maybe he needs to drink alot more protein. The protein is the only thing that helps me from getting hungry so much. Kinda tides it over for a bit. Hope this helps. Best wishes
Pam H.
on 4/24/10 10:49 am - Lincoln, RI
Thanks Sebrena, he's not on solid food just yet, but that will be helpful when he is. He does put protien into his broth. I figure the first few weeks are going to be the most difficult.
Lisa Y.
on 4/24/10 1:08 pm
I'm assuming he is still on liquids. If he can do full liquids now I would recommend the following:

greek yogurt
protein shake with 1% milk
liquidy cream of wheat
liquidy mashed potatoes (1/3c milk, 1/3c water, 1/3c potato flakes)

I hope this helps him. This period is really tough. I am moving on to pureed on Monday! :)
Pam H.
on 4/25/10 10:23 am - Lincoln, RI
Thanks, he's still on clears, but will be on full liquids in a few days. We went out and got some greek yogurt today. I got some for myself, I didn't realize it was higher in protien.
Tom C.
on 4/25/10 12:55 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Like bypass patients, some folks get that "full" or non-hunger feeling once they had the operation, other folks don't. I know I was one of this band patients who has not felt hunger since the operation, but friends of mine never had that.

Your hubbie may not be "full" enough. Is he following all the rules? Is he getting his 64 ounces of liquids in? Is he taking his protein supplements? Are you folks going for walks - just to get out of the house?

Know we're here to help.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
Pam H.
on 4/25/10 10:26 am - Lincoln, RI
No, he is not following all the rules. He's not getting enough fluids, because he was unhappy about urinating all the time. I have been after him today to get more fluids in. I just fill a glass and park it next to him. He is doing better on the protien and yes, we've been out walking, and he actually started walking for about ten minutes on the treadmill. Thanks for the advice.
Tom C.
on 4/26/10 9:28 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Please tell you're hubbie I am here if he needs. Send me a personal message, and I can give you my contact information.

As for water and peeing - tell you're husband THAT'S WHAT HE WANTS. By urinating all the time it (A) keeps his kidneys working (B) makes you lose weight. How else you do you think it get out of our system (ok, it goes the other way too - but that's another TMI story). Remember you need a P to be POSITIVE ;D
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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