
Too tight??? Please help....

on 4/20/10 5:52 am
I really don't know if I'm too tight or not. I did have good restriction but I wanted just that lil boost so I asked for just a .5cc fill and that's what he did. I can drink liquids but it feels as if it's stuck in my throat. It does go down though so that's why I didn't know but it just takes a while. I know we are always tight after a fill and that it usually losens up. When should I be worried that this .5cc might need taken back out? My Dr is 3 hrs from me so I don't want to waste a trip and really want to hold this down and he is only in the office on Mon and Wed so I couldn't talk to him to see what to do today..  I haven't started eating any food yet, still just liquids and really soft things. I knew I was too tight a few months ago because I would throw up everytime I ate but since I'm not eating food yet, I can't really relate to that this time. I just have that chocking feeling like a big lump in my throat... Thanks for your time in reading this. I'm currently at 7.5cc's...
on 4/20/10 6:11 am - Morrisville, PA
I would give it a little more time.  Your doctor will be in tomorrow and you can call him.  It always feels really tight when you get a fill and then gets better.  I'm at 7.5 ccs too...I have to really watch what I eat as to not get things stuck, which as you know really sucks.  I eat meat but it has to be ground beef or turkey...fish is fine too.  Make a meatloaf tonight (juicy) and give it a try.
            No longer a slave to hunger!                        
on 4/20/10 6:25 am
I may try that and see. Thanks for your advice. I have sooo many friends that have lost soo much weight like you have but I just haven't had the luck. I watch what I eat, drink, etc so close and I do everything I'm suppose to but still can's lose the weight. I'm even taking those weight loss shots. They are very popular in my area and my Dr said they were just vitamins so it can't hurt me. I actually take double the dose and still nothing. My Dr wanted me to start taking diet pills but I just can't bring myself to do it. I don't want to lose weight with diet pills. My gynecologist says it may be my Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome making me keep the weight on so idk. I just wished some luck would roll by my say :( Have a great day and thanks again for your reply..
on 4/20/10 9:50 am - Alexandria, VA
 I am so sorry you are going through this. :(

Two ideas I have--take 'em or leave 'em! :)
POS--are you on metformin or the like for the insulinissues polycystic ovarian syndrome causes? If not, get an endocrinologist (someone who specializes in metabolism) and see about that. It doesn't show up as Diabetic always, but it can influence your insulin and make weight loss nearly impossible. Been there. Had many, many talks (And took metformin, despite not being diabetic) bc that was what my bariatrician told me to do bc I was insulin resistent, but not diabetic...confusing, hu? See a Bariatrician (NOT the same as a bariatric surgeon) and an endocrinologist. 

I am sure you are doing everything you think you are, but for me, I found using a Body Bugg to be insanely insightful and helpful. I got one about a year before the Biggest Loser contestants started using them--and I am planning to get a new one in a few months when I'm allowed to exercise again. It measures your caloric burn--accurately!!--and graphs it for every single minute you wear it. You can go home and actually see the graph on your computer and SEE the minutes that you took the stairs at work, hauled out the heavy trash container, etc, bc it shows a spike in caloric burn. That, added to the graphing of your caloric intake (you have to enter your foods) will show you what your actual caloric deficit is (or surplus) and it will tell you what it needs to be in order to reach your goal by the date you've chosen. It is really, really helpful...and NO I don't get any kind of perk whatsoever for mentioning it or if someone signs up. It is just something I believe in....and something you might be able to use, too. It would give you a clear picture, too, of what you do each day, eat, etc that you could then take to the docs to show them what you are doing and STILL not losing weight (if that is the case)

For me, I learned that I burned a heck of a lot of calories mopping! ha! So guess whose floors were spotless after that!!! hahaha! :)

Good luck!!!

on 4/20/10 11:31 am
Thank you so much for taking time to reply to my message. I just started metformin about 2 weeks ago but he is going to keep me on the low dose for about a month before increasing my dose. I really really really hope this helps. I did read that with having PCOS it is nearly impossible to lose weight.

I am also very interested in getting one of those Body Bugg's.. Where would I find this at? That sounds really really neat :)

Thanks again for your reply and have a wonderful night!

on 4/20/10 11:42 am - Alexandria, VA

 Hi Staci!

what dose is your metformin? Mine was 1000xday---2 500's....I started at 500 for two weeks and then they increased it to 1000....THAT did the trick for me. Suddenly all the dieting I was doing paid off and I dropped 10lbs no sweat. It was SUCH a relief. So don't be afraid to speak up if you are following everything and the scale isn't budging...might be needing more metformin.

Have you had your thyroid checked, too?

Body Bugg-- go to apex dot com or  google "body bugg" (two g's" and "apex" )  it runs for about $200 I think (down from the $600 I paid back in the day! and a heck of a lot more sleek looking now!) but it is SOOOOO worth it. It is a pretty sweet gadget.  GREAT customer service, too.

Good luck and stay in touch!!!!!

on 4/20/10 11:58 am
Thanks so much.. I will do that tonight while I have the extra money on hand. My Dr told me to call back in a few weeks and if I was doing ok he would increase it so I called today and he said he wanted to wait another month so idk what he is doing but I'm getting aggravated. I'm only on 500mg. I started taking the liquid version called Riomet because I was having trouble with the pills.

Thanks again,

do you happen to have a myspace or facebook? Look me up if you do.. My name is Staci Webb... Thanks!
on 4/20/10 10:40 pm - Alexandria, VA
 Ack, there's like 22 Staci Webbs on facebook....try looking for me on facebook: Candace Baltz-Smylie :)

Did you find the bodybugg website ok? 

on 4/20/10 11:58 am
PCOS'er here too taking 2500 mg liquid metformin and Januvia.  The scale is finally moving in the right direction :)
on 4/21/10 9:34 am
Sounds great!
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