
Gall Bladder Medicine Question...

Lisa Y.
on 4/18/10 11:49 am
Hi Fellow Banders,

My doctor prescribed me Ursodiol to take for 6 months post-op to prevent Gall Stones.

This medicine is tearing my stomach up! I am having (I know this is TMI) total liquid diarrhea. I am feeling pretty good other than this, but the frequent/painful BMs are preventing me from leaving the house for long periods of time.

Have any of you had this experience?  I am going to call the doc to see if there is something else that can be prescribed. If that doesn't work, I am seriously considering risking the Gall Stones. 
on 4/20/10 12:13 pm - El Paso, TX

I have never heard of this.  Most people I know just end up having their gall bladders removed.  I had mine done 6 weeks ago - was much MUCH easier than Band surgery.  FYI.

Sorry you are having a hard time.  Hang in there!!


Lisa Y.
on 4/21/10 2:14 am
They took me off the medicine on Monday, and I am already 100% better. I don't think they could pay me to go back on it. I'd rather have my gall bladder out! LOL
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