
5 Weeks Out!

on 4/6/10 5:13 am - Scipio, IN
Well, today marks 5 weeks since I took the plunge and got my Realize band.  I love it!  Well, at least most of the time. The portion control is amazing and I still don't get too hungry between meals.  I have increased my portions a bit and 4-6oz tends to be average for me, but the Dr says that's OK.  We have scheduled my first fill for 2 weeks from now and I think I'll be getting the flouro.... (?) after 3 months post surgery.. apparently my insurance will cover it as long as it's 3 months out.

I've started in the local weight loss challenge and I think I'm doing well.  The treadmill is my friend and the elliptical is my enemy.  I've started working my arms as well, but I really need to get started on core exercises as well.  I still need to hook up with the trainer for my weekly session though.. I've been a little scared to call him.

Anywho, I'm now down 22.3# in 5 weeks and pretty darn proud!  My weight loss has tapered a bit, but I'm at least still on a downward trend.  My clothes fit a lot better and are getting fairly loose.  I'm hoping to be able to keep my pants until I go down 2 sizes before I have to buy, but we'll see how they actually look.  I still have shirts for the "weigh" down.

Food is still a bit of an enemy and I'm still craving pizza.  I may end up making one up on a Flat Out with some low fat cheese and chicken and veggies.  Eating out is just frustrating at the moment and I know I've been wearing on my hubby.

All in all though, I'm doing well and I'm happy!
on 4/6/10 6:14 am - Morrisville, PA
Wonderful feeling not to be a slave to hunger!  Congratulations!
            No longer a slave to hunger!                        
on 4/6/10 7:24 am - Scipio, IN
No kidding, I'm loving the fact that I have very little body hunger.  What I hate, and knew would be the bigger battle, is my head hunger.
on 4/6/10 7:19 am
Congratulations!  You're doing great!  Keep up the good work.
Tom C.
on 4/6/10 8:43 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

FANTASTIC NEWS !! CONGRATS !! Thanks for sharing. Don't worry too much about the numbers of pounds - it will happen as LONG AS YOU FOLLOW THE RULES !! And as for cravings, they will be with you for the rest of your life. Remember they put the band around your stomach, but not your head. What you need to realize (no pun intended) is you're better than that craving. Know we're here to help.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 4/7/10 9:40 am - kenosha, WI
Samantha- you are doing a GREAT job! You have made some wonderful accomplishments- and I know you feel good. Keep up the good work. :)
on 4/7/10 11:14 pm - Scipio, IN
Thanks again everyone!  I do feel good, and it's getting somewhat easier at the gym.  I'm at least falling into a routine there.

I have my first training session with a trainer on Friday so hopefully I've gotten my heart a bit in shape for that.

Oh, and I know I shouldn't be stepping on the scale all the time, but I weighed myself today.. another 0.6# down since Tuesday and that makes my total 23# so far!
on 4/12/10 12:51 am - Woodbridge, VA
REALIZE Band on 03/10/10 with
Congrats to you! You sound like you have a positive attitude and are making some lasting changes!

 I LOVE hearing stories like yours! It encourages me to keep working at it!! It's so awesome!

on 4/12/10 1:18 am - Scipio, IN
Thank you Jenny.  It's definitely not all sunshine and rainbows, but I do feel a lot better than before surgery.  I'm still in a battle with head hunger and cravings, but I'm winning it so far!  I don't know, I guess what keeps me going is I feel healthier, my clothes are starting to get looser, and I'm keeping busy.

The workout with the trainer felt like I did nothing.. OMG, I could barely walk this weekend!   I still did though, DH and I are getting ready to put in the garden and we focused on getting our strawberry bed ready!  The spot is cleared (4 very large shrubs into the burn pile) and tonight I think we're building the frame and dumping in the soil.  Yesterday we went to the Horse Expo in Indianapolis and walked around... feet and legs were definitely burning when we got back to the car.

Today is my first fill and with my all liquid diet I'm not planning a trip to the gym today... that and I didn't get all my laundry done this weekend.  I'll be headed back tomorrow and then Weds is my next training session.  I need to get DH to call in and make an appt too.

Ohh... also weighed in yesterday.. I'm 0.1# from 25# lost!  WHOOT!
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