
Rapid weight gain from birthcontrol shot...anyone?

on 4/5/10 10:50 am - Alexandria, VA
Hi ya'all!

I used to be skinny--size 6--without even trying. Then I went on the Lunelle birthcontrol shot (now off the market, thank god!) and put on 10lbs/month for six months before a doctor finally made the connection between the two things, despite my repeatedly saying, "something's wrong!!"

Once I stopped taking the shot, I stopped gaining--but--never lost a pound despite serious, regular exercise and serious diet.

I never lost that weight; that was 8 years ago. I've honest-to-god tried everything--125+ 1 hour personal training sessions, a body bugg (measures physical activitiy and counts calories,etc) Weigh****chers, The Zone, South Beach, 6 week body makeover diet+exercise, two bariatricians, diabetes-friendly diet,  phentermine, doctor supervised diets and plans...nothing would budge this Lunelle weight. I do have a hypothyroid (thanks to the lunelle shot)--but--it is "under control"...

So in the back of my mind I keep thinking, "what if this doesn't help, either?" What if the realize band doesn't help??

Has anyone else experienced massive, rapid weight gain from a birthcontrol shot/method? What finally helped take the weight off...has this procedure helped?

on 4/6/10 1:56 am

Hi Candace, I just emailed you but wanted to share here, too.  Three years ago I had success with weight loss by cutting my portions in half and exercising.  I lost 70 pounds and was hoping to lose at least another 50.  Well, at that point I was diagnosed with a medical condition that requires me to be on medication for the rest of my life.  Once I started the meds I could not lose any more weight.  I joined a gym had a personal trainer and everything.  Nothing I did worked.  Slowly I started gaining and eventually I gained the 70 back plus 30 more.  I had your same fears.  What if this doesn't work, either.  I have read countless stories from people who have had WLS and have not been able to lose a substantial amount of weight.  Well, I am here to tell you that it has worked wonders for me. Now, I am just barely over a month out, but I have lost 37 pounds so far and I really believe it is because I keep track of everything that goes in my mouth and as soon as I was home from the hospital I started walking and I have walked everyday since...except when it was raining hard and when I went out of town for a weekend.  I really think the walking is what has kept me losing at such a great pace.  It's really important to follow the nutritionists instructions to a tee.  If you do, you WILL be successful.

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