
Feeling happy and thankful

on 4/5/10 5:47 am, edited 4/5/10 5:58 am
This morning I came into my office and just felt happy and different.  I did reflect this weekend on how very blessed I am. I am not one of those girls that runs around saying how blessed I am because I am a realist and we tend to not always find the silver lining on a regular basis besides I am so busy running all the time when I take the time to slow down I tend to ponder things and all. I consider myself a thinker... because I try to figure out life.

I still have my job which at most times I want to strangle everyone here, but I am still working and making money. I have a great supportive family that is very proud of me with all things in my life. I have this awesome tool that has single handily changed my life. I have lost 59 pounds in less than 4 months and it's made my body feel so much better and has made exercise not as horrible as a chore it used to be. My arthritis in my knees is bearable unlike in the past year where I could hardly walk let alone do real exercise. I lost about 70 pounds years ago on nutra -system and of course gained it all back and more once I ate real food again.not to mention it cost me many thousands of dollars for that food and that made me even more depressed because it had all gone to waste.
I was fortunate enough to have the funds to get the surgery, oddly enough my state requires that insurance co's pay for the surgery that is unless we had less than 50 employees of course our office is small and surgery was excluded. Because I have seen many people struggle with exclusions and all I am very thankful that I was able to have this surgery. I just have to remember that the scale will not rule me ....that slow and steady is what I want...that if I make a commitment to myself I will not let myself down.

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on 4/5/10 9:42 pm - Davison, MI
Hi Melissa...good for you for realizing how blessed you really are!!
Great post...thanks so much!

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

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