I think
I think I still eat too much-though not nearly as much as I used to. Once in a while, I will get a full feeling, then feel almost like I want to throw up-the feeling then goes away, and I finish my meal. I guess that I should not fini****(more than once, I gave the rest of my food to the dog) I think I need a refresher course-how big should the meals be? I don't want any slippage to happen.
I was told by my nutritionist that my entire meal should consist of about 1/2 cup of food. Three meals, 2 protein shakes in between. 500-800 calories daily.
At 6 months one should be able to eat 1200 calories daily and about 1 cup of food per meal. Now, I am only 2.5 weeks out and am still on pureeds, but this was in the information she gave me. Hope it helps and best of luck.
At 6 months one should be able to eat 1200 calories daily and about 1 cup of food per meal. Now, I am only 2.5 weeks out and am still on pureeds, but this was in the information she gave me. Hope it helps and best of luck.