
I think I fell off the wagon... and got run over....

on 3/21/10 5:43 pm
I'm approx. 2.5 months out from my one-year bandiversary. I did great for the first few months post-op.... lost about 40% of my excess weight.

Then the fall rolled around.... and the holidays.... and I fell off the wagon. Had some rough life issues to deal with.... and rather than sucking it up, I reverted to my old bad habits. I feel like 18 months of mental conditioning was flushed down the toilet. Consequently, I regained about 12lbs (WHOA)..... and now I'm stuck.

I'm not really sure why I'm posting.... I suppose to hold myself publicly accountable. I lost my health insurance, so as soon as I can afford it, I'll go in for a fill. And, I'm going to schedule an appointment with my PCP to see about getting back on metformin.

I feel like a total loser for posting this... is there anyone who has been where I'm at and managed to get past it?

Thanks for reading.

HW: 243lbs   SW: 222lbs  CW: 198lbs GW: 140lbs
                                              I'm just a hair under 5'1.
                                     12/1/2009- Third Fill, 7cc in a 11cc band
                                     11/3/2009- Finally under 200lbs!!! YAY!!

on 3/21/10 10:10 pm
I don't think you are a loser.  I think you're human. Think about how much weight you could of gained without the band!   Pick yourself up and get back on track.
on 3/21/10 11:36 pm - Morgantown , PA
I would say first of all stop beating yourself up and get back to basics. Just take it one day at a time and get back to what you know you must do. The weather is getting nicer and being more active will be easier. Make getting a fill a priority but, don't wait for the fill to start making the changes you have to make to get back on the losers bench. I know you can do it. Keep coming here and posting your progress. Making yourself publicly accountable is helpful. I will send you some positive energy and say a litlle prayer for you.
Shrinking Sharon
Tom C.
on 3/22/10 1:13 am, edited 3/22/10 1:15 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

First you’re not a total loser .. well, ok you are – but in WEIGHT LOSS which is a good thing !!


Ok here is the toughest love you will get .. Yesterday is over and done with. There is nothing we can do about it. Tomorrow is NOW, and it’s time to get yourself back on track.


First – remember this isn’t a diet plan; it’s a way of life. So slips, stumbles and falls will occur. What we do when this happens is truly important. You need to get yourself up, dust yourself off, and get yourself to continue down the road to success.


What you first need to do is ask yourself “Where did I come from" .. then ask yourself “Why did I do this operation" – basically the answer is because it’s a last resort.


You need to realize you are stronger than any craving or any food. It took strength to admit you have a problem you can’t control. It took strength to decide to have an operation. It took strength to do what was needed before and after the operation. It took strength to say “I need help" .. So you have the strength, now you need to call on it.


GET BACK TO THE BASICS !! I tell everyone that. Pretend today was day one of the operation and go back to a strict liquid diet. Do this for a few days (maybe a week), then go onto the next stage of soft food then finally regular food. What you are doing it is detoxing your body of the sugars and bad carbs. When you find yourself hungry – eat .. but SENSIBLE foods. Make sure you also follow all the rules.


You need to go back and follow the rules that made you successful. You need to have the 64 ounces of NON-CARBONATE/DECAFFEINATED liquid. You need to have your 60 to 80 grams of protein. You need to make sure you don’t drink 30 minutes before/after or during your meal. 


What you need to remember is they put the band around your stomach, and not around your brain. You will need to use some self control when it comes to food. If you are hungry stop and ask yourself is this real hunger or head hunger. Asking that alone will probably be an indication it’s head hunger, so you know what to do. Get busy doing something else. If that doesn’t work, EAT – but SOMETHING HEALTHY. Have some salad; vegetables, PROTEIN, etc.


You need to get to support groups. Look on line to find ones around you. You need to discuss this with your Doctor. That’s why he’s there. If you feel you’re not getting the support from him, then you need to go to another Doctor. Remember you are the client/consumer. If you’re paying for a service, you want the best service for that money. If not, move on. You are worth THE BEST because YOU ARE THE BEST !!


You also need to speak to a Nutritionist. Many insurance companies allow you to see one X amount of times per year. Contact your insurance company. Go and speak to the person who did your psych exam, or see someone new. Again, insurance should be able to cover it. Maybe not the person you originally saw, but someone in your plan.


Now – get off your a$$ – stop making excuses – and (sorry Nike) JUST DO IT !! 

REMEMBER what it took to make you successful. YOU CAN DO IT !! And know I (we) are here if you need.


Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 3/22/10 4:35 am
Thank you everyone. I'm just getting ready to order some protein shakes... it's cheaper to order online.... but I'm also going to run to Sam's Club to buy a case to last until the others arrive. And, my dad said he'll help me pay for my band fill. I am so thankful that I have such a supportive family.

I'm pretty sure that the only one holding me back is ME. Ugh.

I'll get there. I've been awake since 8 (so about 3.5 hours)... and I've already had around 64oz. water.  :)

Thank you guys.... I really really appreciate all of your thoughtful replies. <3

HW: 243lbs   SW: 222lbs  CW: 198lbs GW: 140lbs
                                              I'm just a hair under 5'1.
                                     12/1/2009- Third Fill, 7cc in a 11cc band
                                     11/3/2009- Finally under 200lbs!!! YAY!!

James M.
on 3/24/10 12:50 am - SAGINAW, MN
As you allready know there are many emotional issues at work which helpped to get us overweight the ups and downs can seem even steeper when we dont have our old buddy food to use as a crutch.
For me it has been very helpful to write out my feelings/problems on this forum it gets them out and helps you put everything straight. The beauty of talking here is there is allways someone who will understand and has been there. I keep things in perspective by remembering that before sugery I was gaining over 10 lbs each year so right now I would be about 310lbs or so.....
We are all here for you and know that things will get better.


on 3/27/10 12:24 am
I would love to talk to you about this because we sound like the same person! I also just started Metformin and have some questions and whatever you do DON'T feel bad about posting this. We all need to do this from time to time and I've posted this same thing before also. If you would like send me a message [email protected]  (it's not showing up good but those are _ (underscores) after dads and after girl... and you can also find me on myspace and facebook under Staci Webb. I'd love to talk to you!

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