
My update

on 3/19/10 4:48 am - Pascagoula, MS
I had surgery 3/8/2010 during which a hiatul hernia was repaired.  I had pretty bad problems with what the doctor said was esophageal spasms.  I couldn't get much down and had pain in my chest.  I started on Reglan and that seems to be correcting the problem.  I've been very discouraged because I didn't seem to be getting stronger.  But I guess the hernia repair combined with the spasms and not being able to get a lot of nourishment has contributed to that.  I have felt better that last two days and just finished a cup of thin cream of potato soup (pulverized in the blender) - deelish!!  I've lost about 15 lbs. on my scales,  My incision sites are healing but the one where the port is, is still pretty sore.  I'm anxious to get stronger so I can start exercising - I did walk on the treadmill 10 minutes yesterday and my husband is taking me to the grocery store today.  Might even try a movie tomorrow!
on 3/19/10 5:01 am
Wow, sounds like you've had a rough time of it.  I'm sorry to hear that, but congratulations on the weight loss so far.  I can say this, it can only get better from here.  So, keep your head up and do what you can.  Even a 10 minute walk everyday will help you gain strength.  Add 2 minutes to your walk every couple of days and before you know it you'll be walking 30 minutes with no problems.  Best of luck to you and I hope you feel better real soon.
on 3/19/10 5:19 am - New Freedom, PA
I had my surgery almost 2 weeks before yours and I also had a large hiatal hernia repaired. I know my diaphragm was sore for days afterward. The area over the port remained sore the longest and is still a little tender if I press on it.

I saw my surgeon yesterday and I still haven't been cleared for exercise or lifting anything heavier than 10 pounds. Walking is good but check with your surgeon's office before you start any serious exercise. You don't want to risk either the hernia repair or the healing of your abdominal wall.

Best of luck on your journey to a healthier new life.
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
on 3/19/10 10:13 am - Pascagoula, MS
Ooh, I hadn't thought of that!  I think I'm expecting more of myself than maybe I should.  Thanks for the advice.
on 3/19/10 2:52 pm - Greencastle, PA

I am exactly where you are so, it is good to know that I am not alone with some of this as well. I also had a larger hiatal hernia that I didn't even know I had. I had alot of what felt like "heart pain" and I was told it was from where my hernia repair was and from the spasms. I took Prilosec for about a week and now I was told I could try to go without it. The doctor said that because they fixed my hernia, and because of my band, I shouldn't have a problem with reflux. I will try it...hey, one less pill! The pain in my chest has subsided (thank goodness).

I was discouraged up until about Day 7 when I noticed that I could finally lay on my sides at night to sleep and actually rolled on to my belly once and it wasn't too bad.

I am eating about 800 calories a day and "choking down" 2 of the protein drinks a day. I had not much of an appetite for about 5 days...now, I can tolerate the drinks and am managing to get nourishment in.

The incisions look fairly good although I have some stitches sticking out of a couple of them, for which the doctor had to trim them down. You are right about the port, it is still sore. It is more toward the right side of my body and feels like it is really close to my liver. My liver even felt somewhat swollen and they told me it was because when they repaired my hernia, they have to lift and retract my liver to see where they are going/what they are doing...ouch! No wonder why I am sore. I have off 3 weeks from work instead of the original 2 weeks and think I need it. I overdid it on Day 4 because I felt so good and by Day 5 and 6, was back to the couch and resting with a heating pad on my stomach.

Tonight, I played cards with some friends and noted that I had some pain (pressure) in my stomach after sitting for a long period (2 1/2 hours)...so, I am propped in bed with a heating pad again.....

I am walking daily...about 15-20 minutes...not too fast but a nice stroll with the doggie.

WE will get better, and every day is better than the last....it just will take time. We had not only 1 surgery (if you think about it) but 2 at the same time and the manipulation of the diaphragm with hernia repair can take a little longer.

Good luck....we have made it to the loser's side...here's to our health!


Everything happens for a reason so, I am taking it a step at a time. I can do it!      
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