
Whoa...here's what I learned today

on 3/19/10 4:33 pm
That the feeling of  being stuck, and pbing & sliming is just one bite away...Holy crap, what a day.  I didn't realize that each day would be different inregards to how much  I can eat.  Although I've read about it, it's completely different when you are living it, you know?

Today was my first time ever with sliming.  Fortunately I was home when I had these epsiodes, but I'm wondering what happens if I'm in public and it happens.  Yeeeeesh.
on 3/19/10 6:45 pm - Waynesboro, PA
I've heard the term 'sliming' used on here before... but still don't know exactly WHAT that means... is it as gross as it sounds?
on 3/19/10 9:56 pm
Yes, and for me, scarey too.  Imagine salivating excessively and not being able to swallow it - you have to spit it out (mouthfuls of saliva).  What happens if you are in public when this happens?

I can tell you that I will be *extra* careful about what I eat and how much I eat when out in public especially
Tom C.
on 3/19/10 11:59 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
You learn to go into the bathroom and "throw up SILENTLY".

The best way I can explain slimming is this way .. it's a "new way of throwing up" foods that cannot pass through the band because (A) it is too big (B) you didn't chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew chew (notice 30 chews) it enough (C) you are eating too fast.

Since the food doesn't hit the stomach, there are no acids or bile to break it down, so the food comes back up encapsulated in a "mucus coated bubble". It looks exactly like when a dog throws up.  

hmmmmmmmm all this talk is making me hungry ... 
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 3/21/10 2:10 pm
TY for the information, tcasola! I forgot what 'sliming' meant. I have never experienced 'sliming' myself, but once in a while, esp with hard boiled eggs or meat, If I do not chew very well, I will get a tight feeling in my chest(esophagus) and it goes away very quickly. Rarely happens, but the feeling is awful
on 3/20/10 12:05 am
I went on ebay this morning and purchased a bunch of vomit bags for my car and purse.  I won't throw up into my own toilet at home, there is no way my face is getting near a public toilet.

Hopefully, I won't ever need them, but I'll have them just in case.  I have a vomit prone kid, so I know these bags won't go to waste.

Despite this challenging day, I don't regret my band at all, and hope I'm not scaring anyone away from it...it's just an issue I'm have to learn to live with.
on 3/20/10 3:14 am - Waynesboro, PA
Thanks for the answers everyone... it DOES seem to be as gross as it sounds...
But, as long as I take small bites, and chew my food slowly and thoroughly, I shouldn't have any problems right?

Bring on the Band! 
on 3/20/10 4:44 am
My stuckness and sliming were 100% my own doing...I didn't chew well, and I ate too fast.
I learned my lesson. You should see the little tiny bites I'm eating today.
I'm sure you will be fine.

Tom C.
on 3/20/10 8:50 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Cynthia1968, I hope you prove me wrong, but eventually you will slime. I was good for 6 months, and then I laxed one day and .. ooooppppsss .. slime. It still happens OCCASIONALLY and it's always because I DIDN'T FOLLOW A RULE (small bites; chew; eat slowly). Hopefully you'll be smarter than me, and follow the rules 100% of the time.

Here are some other helpful things to do (or not) when you get stuck

DO NOT DRINK. It's a natural reaction to "wa**** down". Think of a stuck sink. If you pour more water into it, it only does one thing (come back)

Stand up and walk.

Raise your hands over your head (like you're being held up).

Mix some: papaya enzyme; pineapple juice; meat tenderizer with hot liquid  and sip it slowly. It's suppose to break it down the stuck stuff; especially "protein" (meats)
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 3/21/10 11:05 am - Mine Hill, NJ
Hey Tom!  Where do I find papaya enzyme?

Got filled last week and have definitely lost pounds since.  I am at a point where I feel food is overrated, but I am eating, even if VERY little.  Even my omega 3 hurts going down.  Anyway, I have no regrets whatsoever, but adjusting to the band is VERY different to what I experienced post RNY.  It's an altogether different game.

Hope to see you NJ people at SG meeting at St. Clare's on Wednesday!!!

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