
2 weeks out and feeling great!

on 3/15/10 3:20 am - Scipio, IN
Hi everyone!

I had my surgery almost 2 weeks ago now and I'm just feeling great!  Per my dietician and surgeon I had 2 days of liquids only and then I got to start on mush/soft foods.  I've been eating mashed potatoes, cooked carrots, soup, applesauce, eggs, and so on.  I also have 2-3 protein drinks a day.

The hardest thing for me, now that I have my eating routine worked out, is getting in the walking.  Still no working out with weights for a couple weeks, but I'm really looking forward to it.  At the end of the month I'm joining in a fitness challenge at a local club where I hope to kick some butt!

My husband has been so supportive through it all, from fixing meals, doing dishes and laundry, eating in the other room, and just being a great partner.  He's so amazed at the differences and my willpower.. I hope I can keep it all up!

I need to get my weightloss ticker going, but so far I'm down 11 pounds since the surgery!
on 3/15/10 7:29 am - Birmingham, AL
Keep up the good work sjohnson! You are about 1 week ahead of me and I cant wait to start mushy foods. Do you use the instant mashed potatoes or make them from scratch? Just wondering.
on 3/15/10 9:54 pm - Scipio, IN
So far I've been using the instant.  I was pretty skeptical at first as I've had many bad instants in the past, but actually they've not been too bad.  I make mine from scratch pretty smooth, but I figured they told me that I should stick to instant so that's what I've been doing.

BTW, I just want to add that I think you're doing fabulous as well.  I personally could never do a week or more of just liquids and I'm really glad my Dr didn't ask me too.  Huge kudos!
on 3/15/10 8:16 am - Oldsmar, FL
Congrats on your weight loss so far!!! I am about a week ahead of you, I had my surgery on 2/24. I agree getting the exercise in is difficult. I've found that if I schedule it ahead of time I am much more likely to do it. I also find that if I have a buddy to do it with it's much more enjoyable. Good luck and keep up the good work :)
on 3/15/10 9:56 pm - Scipio, IN
Thank you!  I can't wait for the challenge to start at the local gym.  My DH and a couple friends are also participating so I know I won't have a shortage of buddies to work out with.  Now if only I can convince my friends to get up early for when I want to work out.
Tom C.
on 3/15/10 10:40 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
CONGRATS on your SUCCESS so far !! Keep up (or off) the great work !! You are an inspiration for many !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 3/15/10 9:57 pm - Scipio, IN
Thank you very much Tom.  You are an inspiration as well.  I see your avatar and I'm like I can't wait to lose all this as I know it CAN be done.
on 3/16/10 9:30 am - Morgantown , PA
Well I am 2 weeks out as well. I started soft foods today. (a day early) but, my nut said it was ok. I had fish for lunch and it was yummy. I get full on the cup of food I am aloud to have. So far I have been good, no real cheating, and I feel really great. How many calories can you have? I have been staying under 700 but, my nut says I can have 900-1200 calories. I am finding it a little harder to get my liquids with eating more solid food but, I am going to keep trying.
Shrinking Sharon
on 3/16/10 9:40 pm - Scipio, IN
I'm averaging around 950 calories, it really depends on the day.  Like Monday DH and I go out to eat at a local restaurant and I have some of their amazing soup... which is high in calories.  Makes me happy that I get full off 1/2 cup of it, but that tends to bump my calorie count for the day.

I also have difficulty with my liquids, but what I've found to help for me is set my schedule.  In the mornings I start out drinking my protein shake on the way into work.  Hopefully I get it all down before 8 AM because I stop drinking at 8, so I can eat something at 8:30... then by 9:30 I'm back drinking again.  Finishing off the protein drink, and I also bring in 2 16.9 oz bottles of water.  Definitely a waste on the plastics side, but that's the only way that I will keep drinking throughout the day.  My goal is to finish the 1st bottle before noon, eat lunch at 12:30, and then start on the 2nd bottle at 1:30.  Then finish that before I leave for the day, or on my commute home.  Once those are done, that means that I only have to get in 12 more oz of fluid when I get home, which is where I have the most difficulty.  For the most part I try and make another protein shake or drink a ready made protein drink when I get home after my dinner.

Whew.. that was a book!

Congrats on your surgery!
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