
How do you cope?

on 3/7/10 8:18 am
I have not yet been banded, but I am trying to learn to cope with stress without resorting to food so I will get in the habit before I have surgery.
What want to do right now is go in the kitchen & eat whatever I can find. I know that is not the way to cope with stress. So I am here for some ideas. I would go take a walk but its too late.
What do you do to cope?
Highest weight - 261/ Current weight- 186.4/ Goal weight- 155
Follow my journey on You Tube....bamagirl7995
on 3/7/10 2:09 pm
I was banded March 1st and let me tell you....I'm already regretting mine. I'm losing weight, but before you decide to have it make sure you're totally ready for it. For example. I'm one that gets thirsty alot...well I use to would get a bottle of water and just soak the whole thing down and I was good...well now thats not that case. Use to when I was on a diet I could grab and apple...you can't do that for a while when you're banded. If you have to cook for your family...its murder lol. I wish I had thought a little more about what I was getting into before I actually done it. My problem right now is...besides not being able to drink the water the way I want too...other than that ..I have this constant lump feeling in my throat..not sure what that is, I'm on 8 pills a day and its murder having to take them because by the time you take them you're full lol, the vitamins is enough to make you puke lol or mine is anyways. So before you do it think long and hard about it. Its not gonna work unless you work with it. Theres rules you have to follow and unless you obey those rules...You're wasting your time. You asked how do you cope...well when it goes to really bother me, I just go for a walk, sit down and sew and the best thing that helps me cope is...thinking about the future. As my friends at the hospital that put me to sleep right before surgery said.."think thin"  Best wishes and let us know what you decide and how you do.
on 3/7/10 7:05 pm

I am going forward with the surgery, no doubt in my heart about that. I know that I am ready, just was having a melt down at that moment, probably should not have made that post. I am the type of person that can go days without eating, I know that isnt a good thing, but my hunger goes away very quickly.  I only drink water, so sipping on that will not be a problem. After the post I decided to just surf the net to keep me occupied & it worked, so I made it. Its all good. 

Wish you the best on your journey & hope that things get better for you. I'm sorry you are having a hard time.  

Highest weight - 261/ Current weight- 186.4/ Goal weight- 155
Follow my journey on You Tube....bamagirl7995
Chantel L.
on 3/8/10 1:21 pm - Orlando, FL
I had to hurry up and reply because I don't want anyone to discourage you from moving forward. Please know you have to take some postings on here with a grain of salt and know everyone is different!

I was banded on 2/19. Easy decision, hardest thing I've ever done. However, so glad I did! Down 22 lbs since Feb 4th! I am following the rules and not having any problems. The preop liquid diet is a good time to come to terms with what your new eating will be like. You'll do just fine!

Ok, what my shrink told me to do was to make two lists. One, your reasons and motivation behind why you're having surgery. The second list needs to be a list of self-soothing activities you can do that don't relate to food. Mine are reading a new book, listening to music, asking my honey for a back rub and making jewelry. It will take time and effort to let these have the same effect as food does now but it's really not that bad! plus, if I'm really craving something sweet I drink 25 calorie hot cocoa. If I want something savory I drink broth, though I got plenty of broth during my liquid diet I don't like to drink a whole lot of it now.

Coming from a self-proclaimed lover of all things sweet, salty, gooey, crunchy and chocolatey, if I can do this so can you!
 The Incredible Shrinking Tel        
patti S.
on 3/8/10 8:59 pm - Millsboro, DE
I love to hear positive posts, thanks! I have my preop visit today, I am ready! Keep up the good work, I think we all know this is a life changing tool, and you can work your tool the right way or the wrong way, and we will figure out what works for us. Exercise with the band is key. Take care!
Patti S.            
on 3/9/10 12:04 am
 if you know the pros and cons of surgery you know what to expect and nothing should be a surprise.  I am ecstatic about my band. Love it and wish I had done it sooner.  I still want to eat when stressed, that will take time for me, but I literally can't.  With my band I can't eat more ... I love that!  

Research Research Research. Know what to expect.  Know that you can't drink 10 min before and 30 min after eating, know that you can't drink while eating, know that you can only eat 1 cup of food at a time.   If you go into this knowing what you will be doing once banded your going to do fine and be very happy. 
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 3/9/10 2:11 am - Davison, MI
I completely agree with nkara...research everything so that there are no surprises.

Also, you have to remember the band is not a solution to our weight issues.  It is only a tool to help us deal with our weight issues.  Whatever emotional reasons existed before surgery will still be there front and center after surgery.  I can tell you that I fight 'head' hunger all the time, I still feel excited to sit down to a meal, and my first response to boredom is wanting to go into the kitchen to see whats around to snack on.

I have found that going to the support groups offered by my surgeon's office have been fantastic.  Hearing others tell their stories and having a professional nutritionist right there to answer questions is invaluable.  Finding new hobbies and keeping busy has helped tremendously.
Take your measurements even if you have not lost much weight, seeing the difference on the tape measure always renews my faith in my decision.

Biggest Loser Tip of chewing a sweet piece of gum when you hungry for something yummy really does help take the edge off.

Coming to this website and knowing you aren't alone in what seems like a slow journey is a wonderful thing too.

Stay strong and fast.  You can do it.
Best Wishes,

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

on 3/12/10 9:00 am
Thank you for the post. I have been attending support groups since November & love them. Thanks for the idea about the list, I am going to do that. I know that I will do well with the surgery. I have my mind made up & am going forward. I look forward to the journey ahead, although I know it won't be easy, I do know it will be well worth it.

Wish you all the best in your continued journey.

Highest weight - 261/ Current weight- 186.4/ Goal weight- 155
Follow my journey on You Tube....bamagirl7995
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