
I need my butt kicked

(deactivated member)
on 2/26/10 7:39 pm, edited 2/26/10 9:34 pm
So I have been doing well with the surgery, but ht past few weeks I have been VERY off track.  I have gained 3 pounds and I know it is bad, but I can't seem to get focused.  I have so much going on and sinking back without fully realizing it.  I need tough love from banders. 

At this point hearing everyone slip will not help.  Tell me what you would need to hear to get back on track.  Please be harsh with me as the nice tome probably won't do it.  I have lost 39 pounds in 4 months and need to keep the momentum going.  Please help me out of my funk! God bless!

on 2/26/10 9:26 pm
Heck, I need to hear some advice too. I had a bad stomach bug and had lost like 3 to 4 lbs this week but had gained it back at the end. This is the first time I've lost and gained back that much. I know I had a stomach bug but I'm still wanting to beat myself up and especially since I've indulged in some of the forbidden foods a few times this week. I've gotta get my head back on straight. I'm not trying to make excuses but the stomach bug and this cold I was trying to catch just threw me for a loop. I've still been working out hard 6 days a week but I'm not getting my fluids in so dehydration is a factor as well.

Left the band and rocking with RNY.
They say I have an eating disorder but I say, I have my eating in order.         


on 2/27/10 12:45 am
 Ok let's see if I can get mean and nasty.   

What the heck is the matter with you!?  You've lost an amazing amount of weight and you went through all that pain and discomfort with surgery to go and screw it all up?  Snap out of it and get back on track immediately!  

How's that? 

 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 2/27/10 5:27 am

Tammy G.
on 2/27/10 7:52 am - Indian Trail, NC
I'm looking at your picture and can imagine what you will look like when you lose the next 30 pounds.   Can you?    You've done great so far but keep thinking about that next milestone and how GOOD its going to feel to get there.   That feeling is going to be so much better than any short term satisfaction.   
Tom C.
on 2/27/10 11:54 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Ok here is the toughest love you will get .. Yesterday is over and done with. There is nothing we can do about it. Tomorrow is NOW, and it’s time to get your self back on track.


First – remember this isn’t a diet plan, so slips, stumbles and falls will occur. What we do when this happens is truly important. You need to get yourself up, dust yourself off, and get yourself to continue down the road to success.


What you first need to do is ask yourself “Where did I come from" .. then ask yourself “Why did I do this operation" – basically the answer is because it’s a last resort.


You need to realize you are stronger than any craving or any food. It took strength to admit you have a problem you can’t control. It took strength to decide to have an operation. It took strength to do what was needed before and after the operation. It took strength to say “I need help" .. So you have the strength, now you need to call on it.


GET BACK TO THE BASICS !! I tell everyone that. Pretend today was day one of the operation and go back to a strict liquid diet. Do this for a few days (maybe a week), then go onto the next stage of soft food then finally regular food. What you are doing it is detoxing your body of the sugars and bad carbs. When you find yourself hungry – eat .. but SENSIBLE foods. Make sure you also follow all the rules.


REMEMBER what it took to make you successful. YOU CAN DO IT !! And know I am here if you need me.


Now – get off your a55 – stop making excuses – and (sorry Nike) JUST DO IT !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 2/27/10 2:11 pm
Gloria S.
on 3/1/10 6:04 am - Lexington, MA
I think Tom gave some awesome advice.  Remember this is a journey.  As you work thru this stumble, what will you learn from it. I hope one thing you learn is that you can stumble, but it's easier to get back on track becuase you have this amazing tool and you can use it to get where you want to go. You have this band, not use it.  You know what to do, get back to  basics!  As a veteran of the banded living community, I'm here to help.  Feel free to reach out. 

Banded 8/16/2006; Dr. Billy, Ventura, CA; maintaining since 12/2007

For more lap band inspiration and information visit

Confused about whether or not surgery is for you, read my book "Is Lap Band Surgery for Me?, available on amazon
(deactivated member)
on 3/4/10 7:29 pm
Thank you all for the advice.  I needed to hear it and face it.   I do not think I had a next goal set per say, but now I want another 30! I will take it 30 at a time.  Thank you all again for the support and the butt kickin'.  Today is day one as if I just got the surgery.  Liquid diet here I come!
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