
Don't Underestimate Your Recovery

Chantel L.
on 2/24/10 2:58 am - Orlando, FL
That's my message to those of you who are waiting to be scheduled for surgery or those of you who already have a date. I had mine on Friday and while a lot of people are up and going shortly after and even the same day, today is Wednesday and is the first day I feel remotely human again.

While the pain I had was not terribly bad, the gas and bloating and nausea from being put under was terrible at best. It has taken its toll on me physically and emotionally. I value my health and I don't like being sick. I thought recovery would be a lot easier than it has been. My belly is still bloated from the gas and even though I walk three times a day for about twenty minutes a time, I realize it's simply going to take time, sleep and nutrition in order for it to go away.

Be kind and forgiving to yourself the day of surgery and for about a week after. Do your best, but listen to your body's signals. If you're pushing too hard to get all your fluid in you might get too full which is painful and uncomfortable. Do what you can, walk, don't get dehydrated and try to stay positive. Taking a nice, hot shower and getting into clean sheets did wonders for my fragile mental state last night.

I do not regret getting this surgery - I've lost quite a bit of weight already - but I had to post this message in order that it might help someone else set his or her expectations about what recovery is like for some. Just had to put it out there. Thanks for reading.
 The Incredible Shrinking Tel        
on 2/24/10 3:06 am - Springfield, VA
 Hi Chantel, 

I agree with you 100%!  I had surgery on Monday, and don't think i really thought about what recovery would be like until i was in the thick of it.  My body is doing some really weird things now, so i'm just trying to be nice to it.  

I wish the gas would go away!  i think that's the worst part.  but a shower did make a world of a difference.  

I am scheduled to go back to work tomorrow, but i'm not so sure that's going to happen... i'd prefer to take it easy at home and recover!!

Hope you feel better soon, 

on 2/24/10 4:17 am
Thank you both for the advice.  My surgery is next Thursday and I will take it to heart.  Luckily, my husband works from home and my Mom is flying in from Chicago to stay with me for a week and a half.  Glad that I have help during the first little bit.
Best of luck to both of you and keep us posted on your recovery and weight loss. 
Looking forward to being a "loser", like you. :)
on 2/24/10 4:51 am, edited 2/24/10 4:52 am
Chantel you said it just right, I only figured I would be off 3 days and all and I like you took from the friday I had surgery till the next wed to feel semi normal. I guess I thought I was super woman or something.HAHA I have been really listening to my body and it is one of the best pieces of advice I would share with everyone pre and post surgery alike. Your band will be your newest and closest best friend and before surgery we didn't have to think about what is happening inside now it's very important to keep our friend happy and working for us.

Oh and the hot shower was just wonderful it made everything better. Stay postive and welcome to this journey that will clearly change your life forever.

SW/326 CW/224 GW/175
~ 4cc added in 11cc realize- C band~ 02/08/10~
~1 cc added 03/08/10
~1 cc added 05/03/10
~ 1cc added 07/26/10
~ .05 cc added 09/09/10
~ .05 cc added 01/06/11
~ .25 cc added 06/06/11


on 2/24/10 8:49 am
 I think it's funny when someone post's they went back to work in a week.  Seriously people you just had major surgery. That's something that your body needs to take it's time healing from.  You also had a foreign body placed in your stomach. Give your body a chance to recover.  

I had a hell of a time with pain and didn't feel "normal" till almost 2 weeks out.  

I'm so glad other people have announced this.  I felt like a weirdo for having such a hard time. 

 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


Chantel L.
on 2/24/10 12:28 pm - Orlando, FL
I felt bamboozled the first few days. It was almost like I was tricked. It was really disappointing. And maybe it's negative, but I would much rather have gone into it thinking it was going to be a horrible recovery than easy-cheesy. Thanks everyone for responding.
 The Incredible Shrinking Tel        
on 2/24/10 3:10 pm
I'm glad you're doing well. Its different with people. some are feeling good that same day and for some it takes longer. Glad to hear you're doing well though. Best wishes and hope you lose the weight you want to lose. By the way...how do you put your weight loss ticker down there?? I can't figure out how to get one
on 2/24/10 3:33 pm
Never mind lol....Didn't take me long to figure it out.
on 2/26/10 1:49 pm
I think everyone's recovery is different. Thankfully I didnt feel nauseous or anything like that. I took pain meds for only 2 days just so it could knock me out.  I had surgery on a Friday and went back to work the following Thursday and  I felt fine.  I had asked my doctor how long should I be off of work and he said patients usually go back to work on a Wednesday if they have done the surgery on a Friday.   The only probably I felt was soreness for about a week and a half.  Today is my 3rd week since surgery and I feel great. I can even sleep on my stomach with no problem. 
I wish everyone well on this journey.....Good Luck future Bandsters!!
follow your bliss..

on 2/27/10 9:22 am - New Freedom, PA
My recovery has been a bit rougher than I expected but that's probably because I suffer from age dyslexia. My brain still thinks I'm 16 but my body knows it's 61!
Rich -- "One Day at a Time, One Pound at a Time"
(Start: 292.6 / surgery weight: 265.0 / current: 205.6 / goal: 175.0)
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