

on 2/22/10 11:09 am
I had a fill 4 days ago and now have 7 cc in my 11cc band,I feel like its the sweet spot everyone is talking about-can't eat much at all til I feel like I am running over,tried to eat some sliced roast beef yesterday and it got stuck-I hate that feeling-grapes,fries,scrambled eggs,any bread does this to me.Hope its the sweet spot,haven't been doing as well as I would have liked by this time,but hopefully this will do it!
on 2/22/10 8:23 pm - Holbrook, MA
 How many fills did it take to get to this point? My first fill is tomorrow. And how long is it in between fills? 
on 2/23/10 5:14 am
well,I had surgery 3/26/09 ,I have had 5 fills in all but,this is b/c I have a blood condition and did not get a fill from sept til Jan due to my platelets too high so, I had a fill in Jan and then this one  and it has done the best of all,I have never had one done under fluro like some people on here talk about.Now I can barely eat a cup of food til I am defintley full and it last 4-6 hours.They say everyone is different on fills,a girl that works at the office where I go has had hers 2 years and only has 5cc in it and thats all it took and she has lost over a 100 lbs.
on 2/23/10 12:47 am
 Sounds promising.  I'm going in for my second fill Friday. I had my first December 23rd. I do have some restriction but not a lot.  I get full on a little over a cup of food and I'm full for about 4 - 5 hours. I want to be full on 1 cup of food or less.  Here's hoping it happens with this next fill 
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 2/23/10 5:17 am
This was my 5th and I have 6.5cc in a 11 cc band,I hadn't had much restricition til now but,now I can defintley tell it ,good luck on your fill they say everyone is different.
on 2/23/10 9:45 am - IL
hope this is the sweet spot for you....but don't be surprized if it doesn;t last......testy little band!althoiugh i have had my wonderfull sweet spot since sept of last year.....and holding.....so it is possible!
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