
need advice

on 2/17/10 3:45 am
I just decided to have the lapband or realize band ( not sure which).  I have a 2 yr old. how long do I have to wait to pick her up?? She is about 25-30lbs.

 When do you think the soonest I can get a fill is?  I will be having my procedure done by Dr. Cirangle in S.F, CA. 

The surg. cordin. said that it is same day surg. but If I wanted, I could stay the night..any advice?  Was anyone super groggy or uncomfortable?? 
Also..does anyone know if the band will reverse gastritis and insulin resist. ?? I have both and ALWAYS feel hungry...even If I gorge at a buffett place.

Thanks for all of your advice. -Jess
on 2/17/10 3:53 am
I just started my 3rd week post op Realize Band.  I was told not to lift anything over 20 lbs, and am not sure how long that is for.    My first fill was scheduled for 20 days after surgery, however due to some social engagements, I delayed it to 3/3/10.
My surgery was same day surgery, and I'm glad I got to go home.  I was more comfortable at home, and got really good rest. I have been in your shoes (having a todder and having surgery) and my recommendation would be to see if your daughter can go to an aunt's home for the night or Grandma's.  You are not going to be able to care for her for at the very least, the first day.  Hopefully you have a good support system.
I have insulin resistance, and I don't know how that is.  I have been hungry this past week, but have resisted to eat more than what I was told in fear of damaging the surgery.  Fortunately, the first week I had no hunger, and had no problem adhering to the clear liquid diet.

Good luck :)
on 2/17/10 4:41 am
Thank you for the quick response.  I have planned to take the week off of work( I am a receptionist). My kids will be a daycare. my DH will take care of them at night...but i love snuggling with my babies..(2 and 5). They are both Mama's girls...especially at night..we'll see how this works! lol. Since I have to drive 6-8 hrs to get there...I am staying the night and having the dr. look at me in the morning..before we head home.
  Did they put you on anything for your insulin resist? Do you ALWAYS feel hungry no matter when you last ate or how much??  that is me in a nutshell. I plan on being in each stage..until i can no longer stand it...then the next.. that might equal an extra week in each phase..lol. I am very concerned about the  band slipping..and needing surgery again...i don't have the money to pay for another operation. How much have you lost?? Did you have to do a pre-op diet? my dr. doesn't require it..I wish he did.   -Me

have a great day!!!
on 2/17/10 8:41 am
I think with your DH caring for the girls, and their participation in daycare, you'll be fine.  I think snuggling with them will be okay as long as they are careful of your booboos.  A week of resting and recovery  is all I needed after surgery.
I have PCOS and have been on Metformin for several years to address it.  I stopped taking the Met 10 days before surgery, and am waiting for the lab slips to go get tested for the Metobolic physician.  I was starving right up until they wheeled me into surgery....and not hungry after until very recently.  My doctor only required me to be on a clear liquid diet the day prior to surgery, so I really lucked out there.  That one day was hell to get through, and I wasn't sure how I would do after, but it was not an issue at all. 
I had surgery 2 wks and 1 day ago, and have lost 18 1/2 lbs!  I am very glad I did this, and have found it pretty easy to comply with the different stages of my diet (fear will do that for me!). 
I hope your surgery and recovery goes smoothly too!
Best Wishes-

on 2/18/10 3:10 am
How Long were you in pain vs. being sore??  is PCOS what caused you to be hungry all the time?? I am really glad you have done so well! That is very encouraging!!  Have you gone down a size yet?? Every 20lbs seems to be a size for me. My surgery is scheduled for 3/1/10. I am so excited!!!!!  I will be good during the "fear".  lol however I am concerned about when I get "comfortable."   We'll see  :  )   Hope all is well.  -Jess

on 2/18/10 5:11 am
I was uncomfortable for several days.  The day after surgery I felt like someone used me as a speedbag....but everyday I felt a little better.  I haven't gone down a size, but my clothes are definately looser.  I think the PCOS/insulin resistance definately made me hungry all the time.
I think this tool doesn't let you eat the wrong things or wrong amounts without some unpleasant sideeffects...so the "fear" never really goes away.
3/1 is just around the corner!  You're going to do great :)
on 2/18/10 6:32 am
Where you groggy most of that time as well?? Where do you live??  Before you got your band..did you eat sugar free stuff??  I hate the taste of sugar free stuff.... that is one thing I am not looking forward too!!   I only have a litte over a week!! I have so much to do...get my clothes in order....is going to be a big deal! get all my phase 1 diet stuff....and figure out my stuff for my trip..I have a 6/8 hour drive home...any ideas for making it the most comfortable?  -Jess

on 2/18/10 10:53 am - Holbrook, MA
6-8 hour drive? Damn. I'm always amazed by stuff like that from other areas of the country. There's nothing I can't get to in 30 minutes or less.  I would drive through Boston, Providence, Hartford, NYC, Philadelphia, and Baltimore in less than 8 hours. 
on 2/18/10 11:06 am

No, I wasn't groggy unless I took the Roxicet.  I only took 1/2 doses because a full dose knocked me unconscious....the 1/2 dose made me relaxed and sleepy.   Make sure you get your prescriptions filled before you leave for your trip home.
  I live in NJ, and the hospital I had my surgery at is an hour away.  I would suggest dressing in sweats or really comy clothes for the ride home and the days after.  I have always eaten sugarfree things without a problem, and most of my first week was sugarfree jello and ice pops.  The only non sweetened thing I had was broth, and and I tried to limit how much I drank of that due to the salt.  6-8 hours is looooong.  I would suggest bringing a pillow to put between your body and the seatbelt, stop frequently to get up and walk around - it will help with gas and the risks of bloodclots.  Speak to your doctor and see if you can take Gasx strips if gas is a problem, and pack some icepacks to put over your incisions if they bother you.  I used icepacks the entire first week and into the second week.


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