xpost - Had my surgery, here's how it went
on 2/3/10 11:02 pm
on 2/3/10 11:02 pm
2/2/10 -Everything went really well. I got to the hospital at 6:30AM (had to wake up at 5AM to get on the road by 5:30). Everyone I came in contact with was super nice, very responsive and attentive (aides, nurses, anesthesiologist, surgeon). I was brought to the O.R. at 8:45AM. The last thing I remember in the OR was my surgeon telling me to "think thin thoughts" (which still makes me smile) as I was put to sleep. Next thing I know, I'm in recovery. I was there for about an hour, and then onto the other recovery room where my DH was brought to me. I was d/c'd at 1:00PM the same day and stopped at the pharmacy to get my prescriptions filled on the way home. The only issue is something was making me itch...I have had this issue before, so I'm thinking it was the anesthesia. I never felt sick or in pain, and have had no problem keeping fluids down...also, I am not hungry, which is a big relief. My mouth was sooooo dry yesterday and this morning from the anesthesia and pain med.
My surgeon injects some kind of long acting local anesthetic around the incisions so you don't feel them. I have been keeping ice packs on my belly which has felt good and comforting I have 4 incisions, and my skin is glued shut - no stitches. I was very surprised (and pleased) to see that I will have minimal scarring
I have used the pain med on and off, mainly at night. Moving from a sitting position to standing is uncomfortable - feel like someone used me as a punching bag. My neck is a little stiff, but it's bearable. My DH and DS have been very attentive and supportive as well, and are running the household while I'm off my feet. I took 3 short walks outside w/ DH, and walked around the house as well as using the breathing spirometer hourly (including at night).
2/3/10 Got on the scale and have already lost 7.5 lbs! Best part is that I haven't been hungry, and it has not been torture to stick on the clear liquids.Sugar Free Tropical flavored Popsicles are really good :) My whole family is enjoying them as well
Figured out what the itching was about - apparently I have some kind of reaction to the tape/glue used to cover the borders of where the surgery was - I know this because the lines are straight, and I have right angles of irritation on the underside of my breasts where something was taped to my skin.
Took a shower a few hours ago too, hoping to wash off anything else that may be causing me to itch!
2/4/10 - Feeling much better - still sore when I change positions but it gets better as soon as I start moving. Got on the scale, and am down 10 lbs now...not sure how or why this is happening so fast, but I am not complaining! Off to get dressed now :)
My surgeon injects some kind of long acting local anesthetic around the incisions so you don't feel them. I have been keeping ice packs on my belly which has felt good and comforting I have 4 incisions, and my skin is glued shut - no stitches. I was very surprised (and pleased) to see that I will have minimal scarring
I have used the pain med on and off, mainly at night. Moving from a sitting position to standing is uncomfortable - feel like someone used me as a punching bag. My neck is a little stiff, but it's bearable. My DH and DS have been very attentive and supportive as well, and are running the household while I'm off my feet. I took 3 short walks outside w/ DH, and walked around the house as well as using the breathing spirometer hourly (including at night).
2/3/10 Got on the scale and have already lost 7.5 lbs! Best part is that I haven't been hungry, and it has not been torture to stick on the clear liquids.Sugar Free Tropical flavored Popsicles are really good :) My whole family is enjoying them as well
Figured out what the itching was about - apparently I have some kind of reaction to the tape/glue used to cover the borders of where the surgery was - I know this because the lines are straight, and I have right angles of irritation on the underside of my breasts where something was taped to my skin.
Took a shower a few hours ago too, hoping to wash off anything else that may be causing me to itch!
2/4/10 - Feeling much better - still sore when I change positions but it gets better as soon as I start moving. Got on the scale, and am down 10 lbs now...not sure how or why this is happening so fast, but I am not complaining! Off to get dressed now :)
WOW thats awesome. I just had my surgery on Friday. Right now Im in a little pain, don't know what it is. It feels like gas. I drank some chicken broth, perhaps I drank it too quickly. I have to see my doctor on Tuesday. Ive been on tea, crystal light, jello and chicken broth. Is there anything you recommend?
follow your bliss..