
Infection around port incision

Tammy G.
on 2/1/10 5:01 am - Indian Trail, NC
Is it common to get an infection where the port was inserted?    I have drainage from the incision and the doctor has me on antibiotices but I'm curious about this and how often it happens.   I'm just over two weeks post op.   Tthe incision itself doesn't look bad - I really think the infection is from within around the port.

Anyone with some experience here?
on 2/3/10 3:24 pm
Oh boy do I have experience.  :(  I was allergic to the adhesive and steri strips used.  I ended up getting an infection at the port site incision.  First round of antibiotics didn't work but second did.  Just finished those up this past weekend.  I also had a hive like reaction and was on steriod cream, allegra, and a pill specifically for allergic reactions.  Still have some itching and redness but not near as bad.

I was almost hospitalized a week and a half ago because I wasn't responding to the antibiotics.  But all is fine now.

It is rare to have this happen but not out of the ordinary.  Just makes recovery a little longer.  I can't get my first fill until the scab falls off.  5.5 weeks out and still showing no signs of coming off.  :(  Hurry it up scab!
Begin Pre-Op diet at 292--End Pre-Op diet at 277
Post-Op weight 277
Goal weight 175
Goal 2 weight 150        
Tammy G.
on 2/5/10 9:59 am - Indian Trail, NC
wow - sounds like you have it much worse that I have.   I hope it gets better soon.    The Antibiotics seem to be working for me.  I'm just hoping that after I finish them it doesn't come back.

on 4/12/10 1:38 pm
My experience is much worse.  The port site got infected and the antibiotics did not work.  The infection worked its way into the band, the tubing and the port and I had emergency surgery two weeks after the initial banding to remove all of it.  That was 3 1/2 weeks ago and I have had to be off work and on a wound vac.  They cultured it and eventually got control of the infection.  I'm doing better now and will definitely have the band put back in.  There is a difference in how much I know I can eat with it in and so I will take the chance again.  Just hope the insurance will approve it again.  I have actually lost 27 pounds in 2 montsh with all of this but it is definitely not the best way to do it.
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