
Throwing up and social situations

on 1/15/10 10:47 am
I keep reading about people throwing up because of the band, not because of a flu or virus.  I'm trying to understand why this is - are you nauseous or are you forcing yourself to throw up?  Is this common everyday occurrence?  What do you do in public? 

Also, I will be having my surgery soon and I have a whole bunch of social events to attend just a few weeks after - how do I manage to keep my privacy about my surgery and eat at a catered event?

on 1/15/10 11:41 am - PA
I have never thrown up since being banded.  If it is not because of illness then I would think it's because of stuck issues which is normally attributed to eating too big of bites and/or not chewing good enough.

I was so nervous to eat in front of people after I got banded, especially a restaurant.  You will know when you are ready and because you are nervous you are extra careful.  You learn quickly how to eat and it does get easier.  I feel like I look normal eating, but I know I pick slowly at my food, unlike before.

Like they say, start now practicing with cutting little bites and chew, chew, chewing. 

You'll be just fine!  :)


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

crystal M.
on 1/15/10 12:52 pm - Joliet, IL
I just got my last fill last Friday (I'm now at 9.8 ccs in a 11cc band).  I am now probably too full but I am resisting getting an unfill.  I don't really throw up.  What happens with me is I burp and my food comes up.  I burp and my tea or water comes back up.  So I'm sitting there with a mouth full of regurgitated food or drink.  I went out to eat tonight...what a waste of time and money.  I couldn't eat much of anything.  I literally ate 3 bites of chicken and spent the next 60 -90 minutes burping up food.  So  I go to the bathroom and spit it out.  Another thing I have been doing is I have a sports bottle with my in my purse that I can inconspicuously spit whatever came up into the bottle.  I do it so it looks like I'm taking a drink.  No one knows the difference.

As far as catered events.  People are so used to me dieting that if I don't eat much they just think I'm dieting again.    

What I am experiencing is not the norm.  I should probably go in for an unfill.  But I want to wait to see how things go.  I will call the doctor next week if there is no change.  I have actually only threw up once since my surgery and that was because I got really stuck.   
on 1/16/10 8:13 pm - Blanchard, OK
That sounds like what I do when I eat somethings. I don't "throw up" just regurgitate the food. It comes up with air and a burp. But, it seems to be gettng better if I eat super, super slow. I feel whatever I drink go down really slowly, and sometimes some of it comes up. I know I am tight, but I don't think I am too tight.
  Starting WT:  275   Surgery Wt:  248.8   Current Wt: 202.5 Goal:  140
on 1/15/10 10:05 pm - Milford, NJ
The only time I have to throw up is due to a stuck issue. I just excuse myself to the ladies room. Since my unfill, I haven't had any stuck issues so I'm good.

Just take small portions at a social event. No need to tell everyone if you're not comfortable. If you're talking and socializing not many people will notice your small portions or small bites of food.

Everything happens for a reason..Just believe...

on 1/16/10 12:19 am
 I also haven't thrown up yet either but I have only had one fill.  I hope to be one of those who don't ever but it's a possibility.  Like the others said it all depends on chewing your food and not eating over your comfort zone.  

 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 1/16/10 12:16 pm - Davison, MI
I've had 3 fills and am at 8cc's in my 11cc band.  I have had only  2 issues where I have been 'stuck' I guess.  Once the food came back up...the other time it eventually worked its way through.

I don't think that throwing up or burping your food back up is what the intent of the band is.  I know when my last bite of food should be...I physcially can feel it.  If I take one more bite after that feeling...I regret it.   I have learned to stop.  That is restriction.

I have never felt that with with drinking liquid...and it has never happened at a social event.  Listen to your band.

Good luck with your surgery.  It is definately a learning journey....each day can be different, but I haven't regretted one minute.  I have been a size 22/24 my whole adult life and 3 months into this I am buying size 18.  Its a progressive, and rewarding process so far!!!   Set small goals and commend yourself with each achievement!!    It is well worth it.

Best wishes to you!

My mantra:  Each day is an new opportunity to be happier, healthier and better than the day before.  I will live each day with enthusiam and be thankful for the many blessings that surround me. I will do my best to pay it forward whenever possible

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