
REALIZE Band Success Stories

on 1/15/10 11:03 am
Please share your REALIZE Band success stories here.  I am scheduled to have the surgery soon and would love to here all the positives as I feel I've already read too many negatives about the process. 
Thanks for sharing and congratulations on your continued success!!!
on 1/15/10 11:36 am - PA
I'm not really far enough out to consider myself a success story, but I know I will be one.  As of today I have lost 39 pounds since surgery.  Some lose faster but I had lost 33 pound pre-op dieting so I didn't have that huge drop most have right at the beginning.  Since surgery I have lost weight every single week, even through the holidays.  I feel great and am excited and just happy to have the feeling that I really can do this.  I was so scared and nervous when it all started but I now I am just so into it and determined.  I started back in April, 6 months before surgery and made major changes to our diet, not just me, but all of us as a family.  We feel great about it.  So, hopefully by the end of this year I can maybe be a "success story". 

I know it's nerve wracking going in, but you CAN do it, even if you have to tell yourself that 20 times a day.  It's gonna be hard and your gonna have to make real changes, but you are obviously here and ready for that.  Best of luck to you!!!


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

on 1/16/10 12:09 am
Wow, 39 pounds!  It sounds to me like you already are a "success story."  Thanks for your encouragement and keep up the good work.  I hope to join you on the "losers bench" pretty soon.
on 1/16/10 3:28 am - KY
I love my Realize Band. I have lost a whopping total of 33 lbs. I had it put in on Sept. 24th. There is no way I could of lost this on my own.
It may not be as much as a lot of you have done, but it is a big step for me. Losing weight is sooooooooo hard for me, but with my band I can get it done. Yeah for me. And good luck to all of my Banded Friends.
on 1/16/10 7:20 am
Thanks for your story.  33 pounds sounds awesome to me.  I can't even lose one pound right now.  I have tried everything.  Hoping to join you on the loser's bench soon.
Best of luck!
on 1/16/10 12:16 am
 I can understand wanting to hear the positives. There are quite a few people with negative stories but as my doctor told me through his practice he has about 1% of his patients with issues.

I am also only about 2 months out and I've lost about 17 lbs since surgery. I have to say I love my band.  It stops me from eating a huge amount of food and I feel so much healthier already.

 Always remember it is a tool to help you loose weight but most importantly keep it off.  No matter how long the process it's your health in the long run that your looking for. 
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 1/16/10 12:22 am
Sounds like you are doing great.  My nutritionist says I need to not focus on the number of pounds lost but focus on improving my health.  I think this will be hard for me to do, but it is good advice.  But, who doesn't want to see that number on the scale go down each week?
Thanks for your post and best of luck to you.  17 pounds in two months is great!
on 1/16/10 8:35 am
I just had my 6th month anniversary- I was banded July 13th. I have lost 49lbs. I love my band! So far I have ZERO complaints, only postive things to say about this wonderful tool I am so lucky to have.
patti S.
on 1/16/10 8:54 am - Millsboro, DE
Amazing, keep it up!! Like the dog in your picture too!
Patti S.            
on 1/16/10 9:18 am
I will be at 9 months on January 22nd.  I have lost 80 lbs. including the pre-op diet.  I have no complaints.  Just remember to eat slowly and chew, chew, chew.  Eat protein first, then veggies, then if you want a few bites of carbs eat them then when you are almost full.  That way you don't get too much.  The protein will keep you full longer.  I love my band and would do it again in a heartbeat.  I feel so much better and have so much more energy.  Also, try to exercise some every day if you can.  It will help with the energy and make you feel good.  Good luck on your journey.

HW: 243  SW: 226  CW: 160   GW: 150 

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