
newbie with questions

on 1/9/10 9:23 pm - Loganville, GA
I go and meet with my surgeon on Jan. 25th.  I have my questions ready, however; i would really like some feedback from you that have already had it and what its like now.  Example:

1.  Week one of post op, what did you go through?  Pain? Can you feel the port?  What were you able to eat? 

2.  Past the first week what do I expect?  Can any of you sleep on your tummies now?  I've heard people say they can, and some say they can't.  Eating at this point?

3.  what is this whole foaming/sliming(sp) thing about?  Does it happen to everyone?  

4.  Diet soft drinks, and caffeine?  Are you able to drink it afterwards or should you give it up all together first before the surgery? 

I have been able to talk to a few people who have had this done, and so far I can't find anyone who absolutely hates their band.  I'm very excited and a little nervous.  If anyone could share their experiences/thoughts with me that would me great.  
Tom C.
on 1/10/10 12:05 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

One thing you need to know, everyone is different. There is no real "one answer" for anyone. If you want to know my experiences, pm me and I will tell you (no need to bore everyone)

Quick answers to your questions (remembering this in only MY experience)

(1) I had no real pain from day 1, except some minor discomfort for the first 2 days. I could not feel the port, but can now if I push down REAL HARD. Eating, you need to follow Doctor's guidelines. Basically (2 years out) I can eat almost anything I could before.

(2) I always was able to sleep on my stomach. Eating is normal (after 6 months it should be, but there may be some things you no longer can eat - we're all different)

(3) foaming/slimming (PB - productive burp) happens if you cannot get foods/liquids through your "funnel/pouch". Basically, it's like when a dog throws up. The "stuck item" is "coated in mucus".

(4) One of the rules is: No Caffeine, No carbonated drinks. AGAIN EACH DOCTOR'S VIEW IS DIFFERENT - so speak to yours.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 1/10/10 12:06 am
good questions.  Keep a list so you don't forget once you go to meet the surgeon too.

ok for the ones asked here is what I experienced:

1.  Week one of post op I was in a lot of pain. I was admitted to the hospital overnight after surgery and was sent home with two pain meds.  I don't think this is the norm however but I had a rough time for a little over a week.  I did feel pain where the port was mostly. I think because my boob was laying on it.  (TMI? lol)  First week I was on clear liquids only. 

2.  I had pain for about 3 weeks. It gradually got better but for the first week and a half it was difficult. I couldn't sleep in bed till probably 5 weeks out and I still don't sleep on my tummy, which is my preference. I have to make due with sleeping on my side and back.  I'm almost 2 months since surgery.  I feel great now but I'm still afraid to sleep on my stomach for some reason.  
My diet was gradual from my doctor. I was on clear liquids, then full liquids, them pureeds and then soft solids... that took a total of 6 weeks. 

3.  I was told NOT to drink soft drinks anymore.. ever.  I did start to drin**** coffee at work. Skim milk and spenda in it.  They don't want you drinking empty calories and the soft drinks is because of the carbonation. 

I have to agree - I love my band. It makes me accountable and I feel good now. I"m down a little over 16 lbs which is slow for most people but a gradual loss is ok with me. I'm more into this for loosing the weight and keeping it off.  I haven't had any problems with fills or being too tight. I'm comfortable with what I have in for a fill right now.  I had 4 cc's put in December 23rd and don't go back till the 26th of February. 

 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 1/10/10 12:14 am - Sandwich, IL
Hi there!  I had surgery about eight weeks ago, so post-op is still pretty fresh in my head.  I'm assuming you're preparing for surgery, so I just want to say congratulations and good luck on your journey ahead of you!

1.  I was in a bit of pain my first week post-op, but I also had an umbilical hernia repaired during surgery and it was a bit more complicated than they originally thought.  That was where most of my pain was coming from...not from the band surgery itself.  From those areas, it was just basically discomfort.  I was able to eat, but did not have an appetite.  The thought of pureed food made me nauseous, but after that stage, I was perfectly fine.

2.  After the first week, I think you can expect to improve a little everyday.  I am now able to sleep on my stomach, but wasn't able to do so until about two weeks ago.  I could sleep on my side after one week, but not before then.  Everyone heals differently, and I know my hernia repair played a huge role in my slower recovery.  After two weeks, it was basically softer proteins for me and I was very happy to be passed the purees!  :)

3.  I'm not exactly sure what the foaming/sliming is.  I've never experienced it myself. 

4.  I had to kick my diet pepsi habit before surgery, because my surgeon does not allow caffeine until I believe six months out.  I'm not allowed carbonated beverages either because I believe with the smaller pouch, it causes more gas and discomfort.  It wasn't easy to break the habit, but I'm glad I did because I feel so much better. 

I have to say that I truly do love my band so far.  Even at this early stage, it doesn't allow me to eat too much or eat too fast.  After one month I was cleared for any exercise and that is something I'm finally getting into the habit of doing.  Since I started exercising, I've noticed a big difference in how I feel and on the scale.  I have had two fills so far and I know I haven't hit that "sweet spot" yet, so some days are a struggle not to graze and eat too much.  I know I'll get there though.  I do wish you the best of luck on your journey and if you ever have any questions, please feel free to message me!  I hope I've helped you a bit here, even though I don't have all the answers. 

on 1/10/10 5:52 am
Thanks to everyone for their posts.  I am scheduled for surgery soon and all of these personal stories have really given me hope.  Congratulations and best of luck to all of you in the future.
on 1/10/10 6:51 am - Loganville, GA
thank you everyone who took time to answer.  I'm excited and nervous.  I have no idea which band is better, I think the surgeon I am going to does more of the realize, but I'm not sure.  I've done a lot of reading on both, but still unsure.  Like I said earlier, I meet with the doc on Jan. 25th.  I will keep you guys updated.  thanks again!! 
on 1/11/10 12:07 pm - PA
1.  First two days SUCKED big time.  I had all my gas pain in my chest and could not even take deep breaths without sharp pain.  It was bearable though and even though it stinks, it really does pass quickly and your on pain meds so it's over before you know it.  At day 3, things started looking up.  The port for me got sore after about 10 days, but never really pain pain, just soreness.  I did start walking the day after surgery, even if it was 10 minutes.  It really did help and was surprising the  best I felt the first few days.

2.  I can sleep on my tummy.  I can feel my port if I push in that are.  After the first week I was on pureed (blended soups, yogurts, sf puddings etc).  The liquid/purees suck big time.  They are not to bad at first, but once you are feeling better it starts to suck.  However, do your best and don't stray from the rules.  I think completed the food phases successfully is a great way to start your new healhty life.  You WILL BE proud of yourself and if your like me, that was the first time I'd felt that feeling in a long time and it's a nice mindset to start real foods on, I think.

3.  I have never been stuck, foamed, pb'd or anything.  I should take smaller bites and chew more.  I have had moments (all with meat) where I feel a sensation like it could be almost stuck but then it passes and I know to slow down and CHEW CHEW CHEW. 

4.  No diet soft drinks.  Get rid of soda forever, you CAN do it and will only be doing yourself a favor.  I do caffeine here and there, but it is very limited.  I know my Dr. said I could have a cup of coffee if I wanted, but I don't do coffee, so it wasn't hard for me.  Sometimes I would love a nice fizzy soda, but that 5 minutes of drinking it is not worth it so I still have not drank any. 

So far I love my band.  I am about 4 months out.  I have good and slow weeks, but I have lost every single week.  I do follow the rules and I think that is the most important.  I also set small, little goals now cause it gives me something to focus on.  I never used to do that.  Also, I think being educated about the band, the post op, the bandsters hell (weight stalling), the waiting period for restriction for some is the most important.  Also, when you get to real foods and start getting a routine I feel like you start really bonding with the band and that is when the love affair begins.  :D  lol  Silly, but true. 

Best of luck to you!


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

Brittnie S.
on 1/12/10 8:46 am - NV

1.Week one I just pretty much hung out. Pain wasn't bad unless I didn't take my pain meds on time. I didnt really wanna push on my stomach to feel my port I figured it would be with me for the rest of my life and there was time for that later...now I can feel it if I push on it. I was on a liquid diet for a week and a half after. The first couple days were just broth or pured (sp) soup. Then the doc said I could move on to sf pudding or jello and sf popsicles. I was full after about 1/2 of one pudding.

2. During the first 2 weeks I had to sleep sitting up because laying down pulled on the my sutures inside me and it hurt. Yes I can sleep on my stomach now but laying on the ground on my tummy hurts after a little while. As for eating I don't have issues with most foods execpt dry chicken has been an issue a couple times.

3.  Foaming/sliming happens when the food doesn't go all the way down and gets stuck and its just saliva that cant get past and builds up until the food passes. Its not fun, it only happens if you get stuck (as far as I know)  

4.  Diet soft drinks, and caffeine?  I still drink Caffeine, I would die at work with out it. As for soda I occationally have a sip here and there of someone elses but it fills me up and since its waisted calories I usually do not drink it. But ever surgeon will have a different opinion on if you should drink soda or not.

I love my band and it has been the best decision I have ever made. Yes there are time when I catch myself eating slider foods that I can eat more of but as soon as I notice it I stop and tell myself I dont need that and I dont want to be where I was at prior to surgery. This has made my life so much better in so many ways and I never want to go back to where I was. good luck hope that helps
patti S.
on 1/12/10 9:08 pm - Millsboro, DE
this was all good info, not banded yet, so I'm taking it all in........
Patti S.            
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