
what to do, what to do?

on 1/6/10 10:16 pm
I have recently decided to look into a weight loss surgery of some type.  Ive decided that bypass is not the way for me.  Ive been thinking about going for the band (either lap or realize).  I want to know all of the cons of the band before i decide to go for it.  I don't really get the whole processes of filling either.  I also wanted to know how many people had problems with slipping.  I feel slightly guilty for thinking about getting the band because I would like to think with strong will and determination I can loose this weight on my own but Ive been trying for way too long.  I also wondered about scar tissue that can form over the band after some amount of time.  One of my best friends is a nurse and is not OK with me even looking into weight loss surgery.  I'm taking her with me if this is the path i choose to take.  I just don't know if I'm going down the right path.
on 1/7/10 1:52 am
well I'm newly banded and I love it so far.  I researched this for about a year before I had the procedure. I did loose weight with W/W but didn't keep it off and for me being overweight for 30 years and constantly loosing and gaining weight wasn't healthy for me.  I decided I needed a "tool" to help me loose the weight but most importantly KEEP it off.  It's all a personal choice.

I had surgery November 12th and I was out of work 6 weeks.  That's only because of the type of job I do.  Most people went back to work within a couple of weeks.  I did have one fill already. Which consists of a needle going into your port to make the band tighter so you feel restriction.  If you google Realize and Lap band you will find tons of websites listing pro's and con's and as well as a ton of sites to discuss with new and old banded patients.  

Look for groups in your area. Your local hospital might have meetings where you can go and chat with the nutritionists and patients to get a more one on one experience from actual patients.

Good luck on whatever you decide.  
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


Tom C.
on 1/7/10 7:02 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Since I don't want to bore everyone - send me a personal message and I can give you my loooooooonnnnngggggg story of my journey (if you care).

As for your best friend - while I respect her profession and her knowledge - until she has walked in your (OUR) shoes, she has no idea why we would consider this. Think of this way - if you had a broken leg, wouldn't she want to see you get a crutch? if you had heart trouble, wouldn't she want to see you get a pacemaker? If you had kidney problems, wouldn't she want to see you get dialysis? Well either operation is only a tool that will help you live longer. As long as you follow the rules.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 1/7/10 7:25 am - Sandwich, IL
I think that by google-ing the two types of surgery, lap-band and realize, you will definitely get a lot of information about what's involved and all of stats on risks.  I was just banded in November, so I don't have that much experience, but research was the key to helping me make the decision on which surgery to have.  I've had two fills so far and they are painless for me.  My mom is a nurse as well, and when I told her of my decision, she was very supportive and offered me plenty of good advice on the subject.  She helps prep patients for bariatric surgery in the outpatient center of her hospital and she has seen much success with the banded patients...some of whom are fellow employees. 

All in all, you have to be comfortable with your decision, so do a lot of research and make that decision only when you are comfortable and ready to do so.  I wish you lots of luck on your journey!

on 1/7/10 10:25 am - PA
One of my original struggles with deciding on the surgery was worrying about what everyone else around me was gonna say or think, I downed myself telling myself I was weak and just pitiful for needing the help I needed.  I don't know what your weight is or what you have to lose, or even your age, but as you get a little older and start realizing how fragile life is you start realizing all the problems your obesity can and will most likely cause you.  It almost started to make me feel like I was headed for more health issues if I didn't do something to help myself.  I chose not to tell a lot of people and told some I fully trusted and decided I needed to step up and stop worrying about everyone else and take care of me.  I am a mother and this is not what I had planned.  I have now lost 70 pounds and I have taken my life back.  With the weight loss you do start to gain that feeling of not caring if other people will judge you for your decision.  At this point, I don't feel sad and pathetic...I feel proud of myself that I did stand up and say I need help, I can't do this, I am 281 pounds and WHAT IS NEXT FOR ME?  I kept thinking that when I was at my highest weight?  What is next from here?  Where do I go?  What clothes do I wear?  It tore me up emotionally and I could not let my fears hold me back any longer.  It has been a hard journey and if you do take it yourself, you will see that you and all of us who were brave enough to ask for help, admit our problem and put ourselves out there are that much stronger.  I don't know if that makes sense to you, but that was how I felt and how I came about going for it.  Don't tell people if you don't want them to know or tell them when you are ready.  I know we all want approval, but we need to do what we know is right for US.  So, I do wish you luck on your journey no matter how you go.  Also, just an FYI...you will still need your strong will and detemination if you continue to the band and you will realize that you can do it and the band is gonna help you get there.  Go buy some books and keep reading on here, there is so much info out there and you should get yourself fully educated so you know exactly what the band is all about.  :D


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

on 1/8/10 12:24 am

Boo you remind me of me slightly.  I have a 2 year old and my current weight is 281.  I kept telling myself what will happen when i hit 300? what will i tell my daughter when the other kids at school make fun of her because her mom is fat? I really have ALOT of self confidence!  I always say "im so a skinny girl trapped in a fat girls body"  i dont let my weight affect me very much at all.  I love me for me but I know that I have to do something for my daughter.  She is my world and I dont want to disappoint her when she gets older.  I've decided that I'm going to keep doing what im doing now (which in 6 months i lost 20lbs but wasnt exercising) and exercising 4 times a week like i am now and see how much i can do on my own.  I dont want to throw in the towel yet.  I just wi**** was easier and faster.

on 1/8/10 11:46 pm
 Sara...It is a hard decision to make... I am a Nurse and I also have a best friend who is a Nurse who does not think anyone should have to have WLS.....  I kept going back and forth in my head...do I want to or not... Then I moved forward and went to one of the seminars for information.  At the seminar, we filled out information for Sleep Center....and I found out that my insurance company needed 6 months consecutive diet notes...So I started there... and began going to see the Nutritionist ...Also during this time, I got a sleep study and a cpap...(now I sleep very well)...
During the whole 6 months, I waffled back and forth.... I had my upper endoscopy... Still waffeling ...I do not like going to doctors too much..and what changed my mind and made me call the Bariatric Center was .....realizing that if i did not do SOMETHING and soon, I would end up going to OTHER doctors...heart, bone, lung....... That was the true impetus to make me go... I want to be healthy....I almost said again...but really, I have never been a healthy eater, excerciser......

This will be my chance!!!!   
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