
Pre-Op Diet

on 1/4/10 2:29 am

My surgery date is Jan 13 (lucky 13!).  I was told to do an all-liquid (protein shakes) diet for 5 days before surgery which means I will begin this Friday, Jan 8.  I have already started by replacing 1-2 meals a day with a protein shake to get used to it.   I was up all night last night with my stomach growling because I am so hungry!  Any suggestions? 

Also, after I drink a protein shake, I feel weird - hard to explain the sensation but kind of neasous and very lethargic.  I don't have any lactose issues and no allergies so I don't think that is the issue.  I also tried drinking it very slowly today but it still happened.  Anyone have a similar feeling after a large amount of protein?  (I am using Unjury so each shake has about 20-30 grams of protein.)

One more question -- can you drink coffee (with caffeine) when you are on the full-liquid diet?  If I don't have 1 cup a day, I get really bad headaches.

Thanks for all your wisdom and I look forward to being more active on these boards now that I am almost banded!

on 1/4/10 6:46 am - Sandwich, IL

First of all - Congratulations on having your surgery date!! 

I know that all surgeons have different requirements of their patients, but mine allowed me to fill in the meal gaps with sugar free popsicles and jello and chicken or beef broth as well.  They really did help fill the hunger in between meals and still continue to help from time to time.  I was not allowed to have caffeine during pre-op and still are not suppose to have caffeine.  I had to kick my diet pepsi habit, and just took tylenol every four hours that first day, which helped with the headaches. 

I am not sure about the nauseous feeling from the shakes, it just might be the kind of shake and your body not agreeing with it.  I only felt nauseous after surgery for the first week when I thought about pureed foods...I couldn't wait for soft. 

I do hope your surgery goes smoothly and your recovery goes well!  Good luck and I hope some of what I've said here helps!


on 1/4/10 10:34 am
 Hi!  My surgery is January 13 also...My Doc has me on the Liquid for 2 weeks pre op. 
I have a shake for meals-Unjury, or boost...or carnation

For snacks i could have 2 cups of non calorie beverage (Crystal light), decaf coffee with up to an ounce of skim milk, sugar free jello, Beef broth.
Also I can have a cup of non starchy vegetables at snack time...
I have been having carrots, celery. beets. cucumbers

For the first time in a while I actually getting hungry.... Everyone keeps asking me how it is going...it is going fine.  It is not that hard ..yet... I cook for my son, enjoyed New years Eve with Crystal light and carrots....
I bought a little blender to bring to work to make my shakes.... 

Good luck!!!

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