
Happy New Year Again posted 09 meant 08

on 1/3/10 4:05 am - Hampton, GA
I had Realize done (9/10/08) so about 16 month I AM  now 200.04 pounds and loving it It was and is the best thing I could have done and I had new knee put in and as it still hurts at time still
I am so much better off I can walk so much easier Lord and Dr Hobson and his staff thanks for the support and Happy New Year to you all too Just want to say when you feel lost there is hope when you feel down look Up!!! ... God has a plan and we are part of it  we show the way on our Journeys Thanks once again for  A second and third chance LHolloway1

New Years Resolution
Get Healthy
And Keep My Word

patti S.
on 1/3/10 4:52 am - Millsboro, DE
thanks for the post, since you are 16 months out was it easy at the beginning or did you have a lot of issues....sometimes I read on here about people having so many problems. My banding isn't due until March. Thanks for your time.

Patti S.            
on 1/3/10 5:17 am - Hampton, GA
I did fine Then I had a stand still and had to get a fill this one finally did dothe trick it lets me know I cant have  any thing else in my stomach.. It defintely is a life change things will change and you will get depressed but you have to tell yourself why it is important for you to do the surgery There are so many thing I can do again like tie my shoes and walk more than 3 feet with out cramping or being so give out
I did what they asked before surgery I actually lost 12 pounds before the surgery I started the liquids early wasnt any reason to not start now or then ...once you get started it isnt to bad I do not excercise as much as I should but when I do it... it shows.... I love my band ...... for me it was a god send ... because it is just a tool  not a fix you have to work at it ....  anyways read all you can about it and do the proteins it is a must  and oatmeal is good too instead of chips or fries  have oatmeal  maple and  brown sugar  low fat
It will surprise you how feeling it is  I am no expert but it has helped me  and getting on here helps to it lets you know you are not alone ..... Good Luck God Bless  add  me if you like

New Years Resolution
Get Healthy
And Keep My Word

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