
First Fill January 7th

on 1/5/10 1:51 am - PA
Will it be under fluroscope?  I get mine laying down and he just puts the needle in.  I was really scared the first time, but it was way better then I thought it could be.  The 2nd time the Dr. had trouble hitting the port and even with that it was fine, just a little annoying.  You'll do great!!  I got 4 cc's the first fill.

Way to go with the gym workouts!  That is great. 


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

Arlene F.
on 1/5/10 2:04 am
Not sure about the Fluroscope...I have been reassured that its no big deal...but we all fear the unknown.
I will let you know how it is.
I lost one pound over the holidays according to my family doctor scale...so I guess that's better than a gain...since I was not a rule follower during the holidays.
It's so cold here in Levittown that I don't even walk the dog....
It's either that or laziness.



on 1/5/10 5:44 am

I remember the feeling that I didn't even have a band and it took quite a few fills and adjustments before I got just right and I'm thinking about getting another fill now. The only part that is uncomforable about my fills is when the Dr is pushing on your stomach to find the port, other than that the needle and everything has never hurt me at the least. It's over and done with before you can ever think about what's going to happen so don't be scared. You will be fine, I promise. I got banded on Feb 2009 and did wonderful right at first but now I have let myself go (ALL my fault) and gained back all my weight and more. I am ready for 2010 and new beginnings because I refuse to have this weight loss tool and not use it. I'm starting back on my protein drinks and I'm going to start excersing.  I'm excited to what this new year will bring. I'm here for any advice or comments that may help me on my weight loss journey and good luck to you girls.. You CAN do this!

on 1/5/10 10:35 am - Arlington, TX
I had my surgery on Dec 23rd. When I went to my dr for follow up yesterday her scale only showed i lost 3 lbs. Mine at home said 9 lbs. She agreed with my scale and gave me half a fill! She said it's 2 weeks early so half was all I got. She numbed me with a small novocaine shot then I didn't feel a thing. She just pushed on my belly and stuck the needle in. It hurt less than most anything i have ever done. No worries! 
Arlene F.
on 1/5/10 9:22 pm
Wow they didn't wait long for you to have your first fill.  I go tomorrow and I really hope it's a positive thing for me.  Restriction and no pain...that would be great.  My doc does the fill while you are a standing up and drinking a glass of water...sounds like a magic trick but this is how he does it..  My scale only registered me losing one pound and I guess I should be glad of that since over the holidays, I acted like there was no band on my stomach...no restrictions so I didn't restrict my intake...well yes I did...I ate less...but my snacks were not approved snacks...they were holiday snacks.
But I am back in the gym...most of the bad stuff in the house is gone and I am running forward with my new goals and future.

I am having such a hard time with weight loss ruler on the bottom of the page.
I want one.


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