
I am soooo mad!!!!!!

on 12/31/09 12:10 am - PA
I was banded in Feb 09, I have only lost 25 pounds (my fault).  Around the same time I got banded, my daughter decided to become an alcoholic and not take care of her kids.   They came to live with me in april 09 and in October, children and youth gave me temp custody.  Dec 7, I got full custody.  So since I was banded my stress level has been outragious!!!  In Sept at my appt with my surgeon, I questioned how many cc's I had in my band.  There is a doc at this office that I do not care for and I am not the only one.  (I had him a few times for fills)  so when my surgeon checked, I only had 6cc's not 7.  The other doc had to have missed the port, I am not the only one this happened too, my husband works with someone who he did the same thing to.  So I told the office to make all my appts with my surgeon.  Well, Oct he did not give me a fill.  I had an appt on Dec 23 that they cancelled and made it for Dec 31.  They called me at 10:50 and ask me to come in at 11 because of the snow.  I told them no, I am an hour away.  she said 11:15.  HELLO.....you are closing due to the snow and you want me to drive an hour in the snow???  I tried to rescedule but all of the days and times she gave me did not work. I have to be back in town to get the kids from school.  I am their guardian and it is my job to do this.  She ask me about a babysitter!!!!  Now I am really fuming!!!  She told me that my doc is not making morning appts bacause his son is really sick.  I am sorry for his son but he is still a doctor and needs to take care of his patients or get help that knows what they are doing.  I told  her I do not want to see the other guy and she tells me my appt for today was with that one.  I told her I guess I am done.  I cannot come down in the afternoon and I refuse to see the other doc.  
So where I am at now.....is where I will be staying.  I guess getting banded was another mistake in my life.  I really thought I was a good person but I must be wrong.  I am getting paid back for something and I just do not know what. 
Thanks for listening.   I hope you all have a wonderful  2010!!!


on 12/31/09 6:04 am
I am so sorry to hear about all the trouble that you have been through.  I wish I could tell you I feel your pain, but as I have not yet been banded (scheduled for Jan 26, 2010), I cannot.  Is it possible for you to find a new doctor who will take you on as a patient after you tell him all of the trouble that you've been through? 
I hope that it all works out for you and that your New Year brings you good things.
on 12/31/09 8:31 am - PA
Thank You.  The New Year has to bring good things because things are pretty bad right now.  COGRATS  on your surgery date.  I hope things go well for you. 
Happy New Year!!!!


on 12/31/09 8:50 am - Indianapolis, IN
Oh Doreen,  I wish I could give you a hug right now.  You are a wonderful person.  ANYONE willing to take on their grandchildren has to have a heart of gold.  As far as your doc goes, I would try to see if you can find another doctor or just wait a bit so you can see your reg. one.  I can only imagine all of the emotions you are feeling and how frustrated you must be, but take a deep breath and know it can only get better from here.  Anyway, losing any weight is something to be proud of, especailly while going through all of the family stuff you have been dealing with.  Don't lose sight of each and every accomplishment you have acheived this year.  You have lost weight, you are trying to work on getting full use out of your band, and you have given your grandchildren a place to call home with someone who loves them very much. Sounds to me like you are being blessed, not punished.  Trust me, it will work out and you will lose the weight.  Just have patience and faith.  And feel free to call on me for support any time.  Happy New Year, Happy New You.  Heather.
  Banded 12/14/09    
on 12/31/09 9:45 am - PA
Thank You soooo much for your kind words.  I found out that my surgeon's son if very very ill.  I really think he should do things differently with his patients until things get better for him.  I am truely sorry for his troubles and would never wi**** on anyone.  I did contact his office and they gave me a name of a surgeon that he worked with.  I am going to call them and see if they could help me until he gets back to his normal scedule.  3 months or longer.  I feel selfish but I just cannot take any appt because of my grandkids.  they are my life and I have to make sure I am home for them.  You said have patience and "Faith".....that is my grand daughters name!!!  I guess that should be a sign.
Thanks again.....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


on 1/1/10 10:33 am
I too want to switch drs because mine only does fills on weds, and even though i schedule them a month in advance, i get stuck with whatever time they give me, right in the middle of the work day. I can not leave work once a month for this...we get a write up after 5!! Does anyone know how this would work in terms of insurance with switching drs?
on 1/1/10 12:52 pm - PA
It is not really fair at all to us.  I am glad you mentioned it,  I did not even think about insurance. I am calling the office of the doc that my doc office gave me on Monday.  I will have to find out what I need to do. It is only going to be a temp thing for me until mine gets back on his regular scedule but who knows, I may like the other one better.  Hope everything works out for you.  You should not have to get in trouble with your job!!


on 1/1/10 1:08 pm
Your stress is understandable especially with taking care of the kids. I am sorry that your Dr office put you through so much trouble, too. Please understand that I am not arguing with you, but I feel I have to ask: Why didn't you see the other Dr? I hope that you have a wonderful 2010 as well. I wish that I could say something to cheer you up.
on 1/2/10 2:43 pm - PA
Hi, the reason why I do not want to see the other dr is because, a woman that works with my husband has the same surgeon as me. She was banded 4/08.  She said that she always felt hungry.  I do not remember how many cc's she was supposed to have.  Well, it ended up that she did not have as much as she should have.  I felt that I was eating way more than what I should have been aloud.  I had 7 cc's in a 9 cc band.  Well, when I went for a fill, I questioned my dr and he checked  I only had 6 not 7.  That was the same thing as the reason as this woman. We both had the other dr at times and she was short like 2 cc's in her band and I was short one.  When the other dr gave each of us a fill,  he had trouble finding the port and boy did he hurt!!!!!!  So he missed the port on both of us.  I do not trust him.  It might sound like a dumb reason but I just do not want to go to him.  It seems he is always available for appts so alot must not like him.   Does all that make sense.
Thanks and HAPPY NEW YEAR  to you!!!!


on 1/3/10 5:37 am
Have you voiced your concerns with that Dr?
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