
very new, banding set for March.......

patti S.
on 12/23/09 8:22 am - Millsboro, DE
I would like to know what typical meals are like after banding is done.....after going through the liquids for 2 weeks, the possible pain, & of course I understand there is a lot of constipation. After all of that fun stuff what is a breakfast, lunch, & dinner like, oh, snacks too. My name is Patti & I am new here, expecting my surgery in March 2010. Thanks.
Patti S.            
on 12/23/09 8:28 am
 Welcome and I'm excited for you! 

First off the pain is different for everyone. I had tremendous pain for over a week with two different pain meds.  But some people don't have any pain.  So it all depends.  

Now as far as the food goes... I had 1 week of clear liquids, 1 week of full liquids, 2 weeks of pureed and 2 weeks of soft solids.   The pureed stage was basically cream of wheat, yogurts, pudding, baby food (stage 1).  Or you could cook your own food and puree it in the blender than stain it.    

I stuck to mostly the same foods daily but I'm sure other people had more of a choice. 

Keep in touch and let us know if you have any other questions! 
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


Wendy's Dream
Came true

on 12/23/09 9:05 am - Mesa, AZ
VSG on 08/09/22
Congratulations on you up coming surgery, and welcome to the board..
After surgery I could not get up from a laying position for 2 days with out my husband help.  After that the pain wasn't that bad.  I quit all pain meds after the second day.   By the 5th day I was riding the stationary bike. 
I was on clear liquids for 2 days. then day 3 - day 10 I was on full liquids, ss jello, broth, ss Popsicles things like that.   Then on to mushies for 10 day.  
I had surgery on Oct. 26th and have had 2 fills with a total of 5.5cc in my band. 
Good Luck and come back often with your questions.

   1st fill 4cc,  2nd fill 1.5cc  3rd fill 1.5cc 4th fill .5   Total 7.5 cc  in my 11cc Realize Band.
 Reached 1st goal weight 158 on 6/8/10, My Starting weight 235  
                                               Hit final goal of 145  10/25/10 
  Current weight 143  
                                If you work the band the band will work for you.
Life is a Beach
on 12/23/09 11:09 am
My experience was very similar to Wendy's. I didn't have much pain. The port site gave me some pain in the beginning when I moved certain ways but it healed quickly. I have not been filled yet. My next appointment is in January and the doctor and I will make a decision. I do feel restriction and am losing nicely right now so not sure what he'll do. I did struggle with constipation but it comes and goes. The beginning diet is for a very short time when you think about changing your eating for the rest of your life. I just think of it now that I am eating like a thin person. Sort of like what my professors used to tell me during student teaching..."Fake it until you make it."
 "I may not be moving fast or gracefully, but at least I'm moving!"            
on 12/26/09 1:09 am - Thomasville, NC
Hi Patti and welcome to the board!!!  After all the "fun" stuff, I eat 2 oz of protein and optional 1 oz of veggies/fruit every 2 to 3 waking hours a day for a total of 5-6 meals a day.  I know you are gasping at the 2oz but believe me after the band surgery, 2-3oz really does fill me up most days.  After you have reached your "sweet spot" with your fills, this should make you feel full and satisfied.  I have had 1 fill of 3cc on 12/10 and I believe I'm ready for another!  The 2oz of protein consists of lean cuts of meat, fish, beans, whole grains, cheese or dairy. I do also eat alot of protein bars.  My only real pain after surgery was gas pain from the gas they pump into your abdomen during surgery.  That took about 3-4 days to dissipate but I found that if I walked alot, that really helped it. 

I hope I answered your questions about my experience anyway.  Good luck to you!!!

3cc on 12/10/09, 0.8cc on 1/25/10, 1.0 cc on 3/15/10, 1.0 cc on 4/28/10, 0.2 cc on 6/16/10, 0.7 cc on 8/26/10, 0.8 cc on 10/15/10, 1.0 cc on 3/17/11 and 0.3 cc on 6/9/11.  8.8 cc in my 11cc band

HW 258/SW 242/CW 170/GW 140

patti S.
on 12/26/09 4:22 am - Millsboro, DE
Hi to all! This has been very helpful. I have been heavy all of my life. I have lost & gained all of my life as long as I can remember. I am 59, married to a man that also has a weight problem, actually it was suggested to him by his heart doctor to consider the banding. When we went to the seminar I asked if I could be considered. See about 2 years ago I lost about 60 pounds & I have been hovering around the same weight within 10 pounds or so....it is a struggle! I wasn't sure where I was on the BMI chart.....turns out I am a little over 35 BMI. If I slip anymore I know it will be over, so I am going for it even though right now I do not look like the typical 'to be banded patient'. No matter how you look at it I am still considered obese, my husband on the other hand is over 45 BMI. I will be going through this in March, hopefully, him not until Juneish. I would like to learn as much as I can about the after process, I'm not sure if I want to tell my husband everything I have read on here, it may make him change his mind......
Patti S.            
on 12/28/09 12:28 am - PA

Welcome Patty!  Now that I am 3 months + post op, meals are the same as before just smaller.  For Christmas dinner, I had some fresh ham, some mashed potatoes, gravy, 1/4 a small roll, some veggies.  Just WAY WAY LESS.  It was hard the first couple months and I would always look at my plate and be sad that was all I could eat, but you adjust and get used to it and NOW I love it.  I love my band and when I made my Christmas Eve plate and Christmas Brunch and then Dinner plate it felt so good seeing my plate and sneaking glances at all the food on everyone elses plate.  I even lost a half a pound last week which I was thrilled about.  So, it's pretty much the same and so far I can still eat everything I could pre-op.  I can eat rice, beef, pasta etc.  If I do eat rice it's brown rice and pasta is all whole wheat.  I don't eat much pasta though.  Beef I am just extra careful and chew real good. 

You'll figure it all out and it will get so much easier when you get to normal foods again and you can learn what you can and can't do. 



04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

patti S.
on 12/28/09 1:03 am - Millsboro, DE
That's great news! Sounds like you are on your way! So, it sounds like you can eat nearly everything but maybe only a couple of bites of whatever & you are satisfied. Have you 'tried' something like a donut or cake or a candy bar?!?!? Would something like that even like 2 bites make you sick or something? Thanks!
Patti S.            
on 12/28/09 1:21 am - PA
Yeah, I had some birthday cake at a party...couple bites of my daughters and I have had some chocolate this past week actually from things given to us by friends and neighbors :(  No candy bar thoughs or anything.  Plus, I have a sweet tooth so I try to stay away from them things.  This past week was tough, well the whole month was, but I did good and still lost every week so I'm happy.  I am so ready for January though to get back to normal.  LOL


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

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