
feeling yucky

on 12/21/09 12:52 pm - Birmingham, AL

I was banded Fri (the 18th). Since the surgery, I have been sooo depressed!! (much like post partum dep...??) What's up with that? I just feel yucky and I am STARVING. I have even thought, "man, I may have made a mistake". I have horrible indigestion and my stomach has been constantly bubbly. I drank 3 oz of a protein shake today and thought I was going to hurl! I am not having a lot of pain and hate to sound like a big baby...but I am kind of having a hard time!  Hence, searching for some sort of support!

on 12/22/09 12:08 am - Thomasville, NC
HANG IN THERE!!!  I promise it will get better!!!  Your body is going through alot of adjustments right now and it is normal to feel the way you feel!!!  The best advise I can give you is walk walk walk and sip sip sip.  Try to find a protein drink you can tolerate and drink it everytime you feel hungry.  Have you tried alot of different protein shakes?  Everyone's tastes are different but a cheap protein comes from Walmart called Body Fortress.  It comes in Strawberry, Choc, Vanilla and Cookies n Cream.  The chocolate and vanilla are my staples!  Also, take Gas-X for your indigestion.  It was my lifesaver for the first couple of weeks.  As far as walking, it will not only dissipate all the gas but will also release endorphins that will help improve your mood.  YOU CAN DO IT!!!  Good luck on your journey and welcome to the "loser's bench"!!!

3cc on 12/10/09, 0.8cc on 1/25/10, 1.0 cc on 3/15/10, 1.0 cc on 4/28/10, 0.2 cc on 6/16/10, 0.7 cc on 8/26/10, 0.8 cc on 10/15/10, 1.0 cc on 3/17/11 and 0.3 cc on 6/9/11.  8.8 cc in my 11cc band

HW 258/SW 242/CW 170/GW 140

on 12/22/09 12:40 am - PA

Hang in there and relax, you are completely normal.  All most everyone goes through this, myself included.  I am telling you, you are in the HARDEST part of the post op.  Your still sore, healing, starving, can't eat and just about liquided out.  The food phases were the worst!!!  However, FOLLOW your rules and stages, YOU CAN DO IT.  Just count down to the soft foods.  I promise you when you get to soft foods it will be like renewing your body, mind and spirit.  Also, when you get to soft foods and you can look back and say "I DID IT" and know you followed the rules and survived you have such a proud feeling and sense of accomplishment.  It's a great start and way to enter the real foods.  Once you get to no restrictions you can start getting a feel on what works for you, what you need and can get a routine going.  It's like you and your band start to bond, silly but that is what it's like.  You start learning how to live with it.  Since your all ready starving you are gonna have to do your part and call on good old will power till you start getting some fills and that will start helping you out too.  It will get easier when you get to real foods and keep pushing water and protein.  You can do it though.  Hang in there, this will all be in the past before you know it. 



04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

on 12/22/09 1:29 am - Birmingham, AL
Thanks so much for the encouraging words! Today I have started to get busy getting ready for Christmas! My husband, bless his heart, has done his best keeping the house clean. My OCD has taken over and I am now in cleaning mode (slow but steady). I do know it will get easier. It has to. I feel like a refugee who was found wandering in the dessert for a week w/o food or water! LOL. My husband cooked steak, baked potatos, corn, and salad for himself and our two boyslast night. I thought I was going to kill him HAHA.....but they still need to have a good meal..! I even thought..."well, maybe I could just chew on a peice of steak and spit it out".....how sick and twisted is that!! LOL Nevertheless, I tried the protein shake in the blender with ice this morning and it was somewhat more tolerable. Thanks again for the support! Although my family is trying to empathize with me the best they can, they really do not understand!
Arlene F.
on 12/26/09 10:21 am
I felt the same way as you did...I had my surgery 3 days before Thanksgiving and had the same qualms as you did...I wanted to go back to the hospital and ask them to take it out.  However, I kept busy and I got through it.  It's one month now that I have had my band.  I am healing nicely and on foods...I found if I mixed my vanilla protein drink or chocolate protein drink with my decaf coffee, I told myself it was a Latte and it was quite good...I only shook it in the blender ball container...I didn't care for the foam.
By day 4 post op I was feeling better and with each day I got better.
So Hang in there...It really does get better...you heal and as your body heals your mind gets used to the choices you made to make your future better....

Happy New Year...
It is going to be a positive journey for us.
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