
I thought I wasn't suppose to be hungry

on 12/18/09 12:11 pm - Indianapolis, IN
Hi all,
  I was banded on Monday and was told I wouldn't be hungry until week 2 or so and should flow right through the first week.  Well, I am starving.  I listen to my stomache growl all day long.  I am really trying to do the ONLY 2 oz of liquids 3 times a day along with 2 protein shakes and usually 2 really small snacks like 1 oz of yougurt, but I am really hungry.  Does anyone else have this problem?  I'm afraid to eat more, but don't know if I can keep doing this.  Any suggestions please!
on 12/19/09 4:39 am
I was banded on saturday and I know how you feel. I was oky for the first few days but now I am so hungry but you need to take in mind that we have the band on not tighten so it's our normal stomachs with a litle pull on it. I feel a minor effect when I drink too fast because I get a little bit of gas. Just be strong, its gonna be the hardest for us! I am so hungry too and I hate everyday but we are doing this to change our lives so don't cheat be strong! I am unhappy about being hungry but I am really ready for my fill! If you need to chat for support let me know I am online ALL the time.
on 12/20/09 10:36 am
I didn't know that we get the bands on not tightened.
on 12/19/09 6:01 am
 add another protein shake.  The protein will help.  I ended up adding 1 tbl of peanut butter to my protein shake and it helped a lot. 

  You will be hungry .. you just won't be able to eat/drink as much as you used to. 
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 12/19/09 7:43 am
I was banded 3 weeks ago. I was hungry right afterwards too. But eventually the growling stopped and so did the hunger (although I admit it helped when I could move to mushies in week 2). 

I do think if your doctor will allow you should move to 3 protein shakes. I can't imagine you are getting enough protein with what you are eating. I also recommend having A LOT of crystal ligh****er. I drank about 100 ounces a day and I'm convinced that's what got me through it. 

You can do it! and it will get much easier once you can add mushies. 
on 12/20/09 1:14 pm
I went from clear liquids to mushies in about 4-5 days after surgery.
on 12/19/09 9:57 am - Indianapolis, IN
Thanks everyone.  Glad I'm not a lone.  Make the journey a little easier.  Going to do the 3 shakes tomorrow!
  Banded 12/14/09    
on 12/19/09 11:39 am
I too was hungry by the second week. Really hungry but you can hold out. Just keep yourself distracted. The main thing is don't do like I did and have virtual food. I would sit and wait for food commericials and close my eyes and remember how good the food had tasted the last time I had it. Those were not some of proudest moments. Lol!!!!!!!!
on 12/20/09 1:19 am
I was banded last friday the 11th and for the first few days no hunger then came the growls and all. I was on full fluids so there was no limit on the amount of food. I would check with your drs. office tomorrow to make sure your supposed to be limiting your fluids. They said to me since its all liquids theres no way for that to be holding back enough in my new pouch to keep me full. I ate sf pudding cups ( which became my best friend cause of their thickness) as well as sf jello, creamy soups, and EAS myolplex light which really helped cause of the high protien. I know exactly what everyone is talking about with the empty pit feeling, you shouldnt have to be starving and trust me it will hinder your ability to rest and feel better. You should be able to have as much of those items as you feel you need to hold off hunger. A pudding cup was plenty for me on day three.
I am proud to join all the existing losers bench memebers and I am so glad that I did this.

SW/326 CW/224 GW/175
~ 4cc added in 11cc realize- C band~ 02/08/10~
~1 cc added 03/08/10
~1 cc added 05/03/10
~ 1cc added 07/26/10
~ .05 cc added 09/09/10
~ .05 cc added 01/06/11
~ .25 cc added 06/06/11


on 12/20/09 12:53 pm
I can't do just the 3 shakes a day. I didn't eat anything for the first 4 days of surgery (except for jello) just dran**** water. I now eat yogurt, pudding, jello, kidney beans. I got the 'pit' feeling and a bit of real hunger. I do occassionally drink some juice just for variety.  My problem is that I have to have more than 2 oz of ffood at a time. 2oz for a meal is just not very realistic for me. I have to have about 8-10 oz of food per meal.
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