
Diet advice needed

on 12/14/09 5:05 am
Ok I'm a little over 4 weeks post op and started eating "soft solids" as of Thursday.  I'm hungry after only 2 hours of eating and I'm able to eat more than the 1/2 cup suggested.  

What are some suggestions to keep me full longer?  Also will I do damage if I eat 1 cup of food or eat more than every 4 - 5 hours?   I'm slightly worried that I will screw up my band if I don't follow the nut's advice 100%.   I'm not gorging myself by any means.. maybe I've had 1 cup at a sitting.. might have gotten 1 1/2 cups in a few times.     

Banster Hell sucks! 

My first fill (hopefully) is December 23rd.. which I'm nervous about because I'm still sore. Also don't want to start having issues with PB'ing or anything else I've heard horror stories about.  

Can you tell I'm a nervous person by nature?  
 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 12/14/09 7:22 am - Morgantown , PA
HI, I am pre op so I can't say for sure but, I know eating my protien and drinking my water keeps me full longer. Making sure you have protein every time you eat should help. Congrats on your surgery and good luck with the fill. I am sure you will do great.
Wendy's Dream
Came true

on 12/14/09 11:39 am - Mesa, AZ
VSG on 08/09/22
Congratulations on you surgery.  I am 7 weeks out and had my first fill on Dec. 1st.  I can't believe I can still eat more than what I am allowed, but  I make sure and measure all meal.
Make sure you are getting your protein in and drink plenty of liquids.

   1st fill 4cc,  2nd fill 1.5cc  3rd fill 1.5cc 4th fill .5   Total 7.5 cc  in my 11cc Realize Band.
 Reached 1st goal weight 158 on 6/8/10, My Starting weight 235  
                                               Hit final goal of 145  10/25/10 
  Current weight 143  
                                If you work the band the band will work for you.
on 12/14/09 12:26 pm - PA
Bandster Hell does such and so does the battle of the Band Vs Mind.  Sometimes we are good, but we are just still used to eating more then that.  So, just keep measuring, weighing and working it.  You are doing great.  Once you get a fill and get to real foods you'll start to see a difference.  It's just hard till you do get there.  You will though.  Hang in there.

Oh, and water and protein is probably the best way to keep the hunger at bay.  Keep drinking, drinking and drinking.  :)


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

on 12/15/09 9:23 am, edited 12/15/09 9:24 am
 Thank you so much for all the replies.  I'm more worried about screwing up the band at this point. 

I'll give you a run down of what I ate today:

Breakfast - cream of wheat
Lunch - 3 slices thin turkey breast/deli and 3 pieces of cheese (50% fat)
Snack - fat free/sugar free pudding
Dinner - Cottage cheese w/ 3 slices of deli turkey breast. 

I'm not measuring or weighing things. 

So I'm not eating an extraordinarily large amount of food but I don't think I'm only eating 1/2 cup at a time either.    My mind is really doing pretty good with the hunger, it's my stomach. I'm having major hunger pains where the whole room can hear it!  

I've read that some people eat every 2 hours but my nutritionist said to only eat 3 meals a day.  How can I get enough calories in with only 1/2 cup of food three times a day?  So confused!

 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


on 12/15/09 10:51 am - PA
I do pretty much do three meals a day, but there are lots of days I throw in an afternoon snack or evening snack, depending where my calories fall for the day.  I also do a protein shake every morning.  You just have to wait and see what is gonna work and be effective for you.  :)  You will, it just takes a little time and then all of a sudden you realize you got a little routine going. 


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

on 12/15/09 11:56 am
I need advice, too. I just had my surgery last Thursday, Dec 10, and I had just plain ice water and a little bit of jello for the first 4 days. Then I remembered that I need more protein so I added some kidney beans to my diet(no problem swallowing them) and the only thing that I have had any trouble swallowing is this great big pill that I no longer have to take. My question is this: I have added a small amount of strawberries and a small amount of juice(not usually together) to my diet because I was getting tire of ice water and jello. I have had no problems with keeping things down or anything getting stuck thus far(I take very small bites) is this wrong? Should I quit eating the strawberries and drinking the occasional juice?
Tom C.
on 12/15/09 8:50 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet.

With that said:   Are you taking in enough protein at each meal? Make sure you are getting your daily 60 to 80 grams of protein. THIS IS IMPORTANT TO WEIGHT LOSS, and remaining full. Depending how often you eat, each meal should be about 12 grams of protein (12 x 5 is 60)     Last year when I first had the operation I noticed if I ate 4 ounces of protein I didn’t feel full - however if I ate 6 ounces I did. I spoke to my Doctor about it. FOR ME he said that those “numbers" are somewhat guidelines. He went on to explain there are some folks who feel full on 2 ounces of protein while some need 6 or 8. He also explained that the calories intake should not be too much of a concern in the beginning. The way he explained it to me was: Prior the operation I may have been taken 3,000 calories per day. After the operation, with the amount of food I was taking in - I may have been taking in 1700 calories. While that’s 500 calories more then the recommended daily allotment - it was actually 1300 calories less then what I normally took in. So not only was I loosing weight, but was also feel full. We need to worry about calories when out weight slows downs/stops or starts going up.     ADVICE WARNING: TALK TO THE DOCTOR BEFORE CHANGING YOUR INTAKE.   To this day my eating routine is .. well .. very routine:   4:30 a.m. (breakfast): either oatmeal, Farina, Oats made with ½ cup of milk and ½ cup of water   9:00 a.m. - 8 ounce protein drink   Noon (lunch): 4 - 6 ounces of protein (usually chicken); 1 cup of Broccoli Normandy, and some: broth, lentil/tomato/cream chicken soup to add moisture.   3:00 p.m. - 8 ounce protein drink   6:00 p.m. (dinner): 6 ounces of protein (usually chicken); 1 cup of Broccoli Normandy, and some: broth, lentil/tomato/cream chicken soup to add moisture, and maybe a salad.   ADVICE WARNING: TALK TO THE DOCTOR BEFORE CHANGING YOUR DIET.
Hope this helps !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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