
Not sure what to do, Advice please!!

on 12/10/09 10:37 pm
Hi, I've been watching the boards for a couple of months while getting this process started. I went into this whole thing with the decision of having the band, however my first visit with my doctor ended with him suggesting I go with the RNY. I have a great deal of weight to lose, I am currently at 320.  My doctor is great and is not pushing it, he just thinks I'll get better results with RNY but he will do whatever I am wanting. Now I don't know what to do!!! Anyone else have trouble with making the decision between the two?
on 12/11/09 2:04 am - PA
I was similar, except that my Dr. just told me the percentages of both procedures.  I had to weight the pros and cons of both processes and for me this one came out on top, FOR ME.  I had like 150 pounds to loose when I started this journey and I knew with RNY I could probably drop it all in a few months and could possibley live a healthy and great life like that, but when i hashed it out over and over, it just DID NOT feel right for me.  When I thought of the band, I feel excited and positive.  I knew it would be more work involved, I knew it would take longer and I knew that in the end I might not loose quite as much.  However, I knew I could do it and I'm on my way.  I have a ways to go and maybe with bypass I would have made it to 125, but even if I'm 140 or 150 with my band at the end, I will be happy and consider it a success.  I think the Dr.s can only tell us the numbers, the estimates, but in the end we know what is best for each of us and what we want.  So, if you think you need the bypass to get to the place you truly need to be then go for it, but if you want the band and think you accomplish the same goals then go for that.  All in all, listen to your gut and what it's telling you.  When I did decide againg the rny, I felt so relieved and a lot less scared and I just took to it and never looked back.  I can't help but think if I made my decision, no use questioning or wondering, at least if there is no reason.  No reason yet.  Good luck making your choice though, so many people struggle with it and you are not alone.  I am sure you will do great with either procedure. 


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

on 12/11/09 5:39 am
Thank you, I really feel in my heart that the band is what I should do. Even though the sound of losing more weight  faster sounds great the risk just scare me way too much! I am a mother of 3 young children so this is not just about me, I have to think how we will all be in the end. Thank you for your reply it really was encouraging!
on 12/11/09 10:56 am
I am getting the band on 12/18.  I too am the mother of young children.  They are the reason 
i decided on the band.  I just cannot take the risk associated w/ RNY.  It wouldn't be fair to my girls. 
on 12/11/09 7:09 pm - Chatham, NJ
This is definitely a very personal decision and all surgeries come with some inherent risks, but the single biggest reason for my chosing the band over RNY was concern over malabsorption.  I felt that a lower risk, restrictive procedure was best for my lifestyle.  I also have two young girls and I am very happy with the decision that I made because it has really caused me to completely change my entire family's approach to eating healthy and exercising.  Best of luck to you with your decision and your surgery.

Tom C.
on 12/11/09 8:22 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

Here are some suggestion which may help you

(A) What operation do YOU feel comfortable with? This should be one of your major decision making.

(B) What kind of medical conditions do you have? While you may want to do the band, the RNY can resolve some medical conditions quicker/more effectively then the band

(C) How much weight do you need to lose, and how fast? Remember that most band patients lose up to a 55% of their excess body weight, and bypass patients lose up to 80%. However, these are AVERAGES, and know some band folks (like myself) have lost much more then the average. I have lost as much and as quickly as a bypass patient - because I was diligent.

(D) What type of "eater" are you. If you love sweets, then RNY may be best for you (because if the dumping that may occur). If you're a large volume eater, then band may be the best for you.

Final thoughts to remember: One operation is more successful over the other. Either one is just a tool, and you will need to work at it. How success depends on you.

You can always convert one operation for another. It's easier to "switch" from a band to a bypass - if the results aren't favorable. Some folks have been noted to add a band to their bypass. While rare, it is possible to reverse the bypass and do a band.

Good luck on your decision, and know we will always be here for  you - no matter which operation you choose. It's not the operation that's important, but the final goal.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 12/12/09 8:16 am - Olympia, WA
I was in the same predicament when I first started my journey. Then I went to a wls seminar and considered the pros and cons. I also discussed this with my surgeon. I am not a big sweats eater I rather eat a bag of chips. I also didn't graze or eat all day. My problem was that during meal times I ate big volumes of food. This made my decision easier - I pretty much just had to restrict the amount of food that I can eat at a time.  I had my surgery on 12/5/09 and I have not hade any problems so far. During the time I still planned for RnY I did not feel comfortable with it and was very scared. I read so many negative things about it and did not want to be stuck with the problems that can occur for the rest of my life. At least if somehting happens with the band, it is reversible.

Go with what you are comfortable with and what you think you can best deal with after the surgery.

Best luck to you,


German gal getting healthy

on 12/12/09 1:29 pm

For me RNY did not feel like the best choice.  I knew the band would be a tougher journey and I would not lose as fast as I would have with RNY.  But I know I can do it.  I have seen many people on the boards that have lost 100+ pounds with the band. 

8.5 CC in my 11 CC Band

on 12/13/09 5:36 am
It's really a hard decision. I have two young children too and that's primarily why I chose the band. I also liked the idea of losing weight quickly. However, the potential complications of RNY were too scary for me. I know 3 people who got RNY and all of htem had very, very scary times the weeks coming out of surgery. They all ended up fine, but it was scary to watch them go through it. All three say they would do it again in a heart beat. But as somebody who watched them go through it it was too scary for me. 

I had my band put in and walked out a few hours later and you would have never known I had just had major surgery.  I've lost 20 pounds since my pre-op diet and i feel good about that. It's only bee 2 months. Anyway, good luck with your decision. So far I'm very happy with my band and the decision that I made.

Good luck with your decision.
on 12/14/09 5:18 am
 I have been researching WLS for over a year now and originally went to a doctor who told me he wanted to do bypass surgery instead of lap band surgery because I like ice cream. 

Well I left that doctor and thought about it.  I ended up going on a liquid (doctor supervised) diet and lost 50 lbs but immediately started gaining the weight back. So a little over a year later I started the process of lap band surgery again with a different surgeon.  

I had my surgery on the 12th of November and I'm very satisfied with it so far.  I wanted to have something to use as a tool to help me loose the weight and keep it off. I know I have something in my stomach now and I know if I over eat or eat the wrong foods or don't chew my food properly I will feel it. 

My decision also had to do with the surgery process and healing time after along with risks of both surgeries.  

Like said by previous posters it is a personal decision and only you know what is right for you. 

Good luck in which ever way you decide to go. 

 Realize Band 11/2009 ... revision to RNY 12/27/11. 


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