
Where do you turn for comfort now?

on 12/12/09 2:18 am - Copeville, TX
REALIZE Band on 12/18/09 with
Thank you. I need to rely on friends on this board who have been there, like yourself.
Lisa  //(*_*)\\

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away" George Carlin, Author Unknown
on 12/13/09 5:43 am
I think it's helpful to find some hobbies that you enjoy doing so that you can replace eating with other hobbies. I've become really interested in learning to cook healthful foods. I NEVER enjoyed cooking until now. In fact, I hated it and married a man who loved to cook so he could feed me (because I loved to eat!) But for the past few months I've really enjoyed learning how to make healthy foods.

I read recipes, modify them to make them higher in protein, lower in fat and without carbs. In addition to using it to help me find foods to keep myself interested in my new way of eating, I'm also enjoying the challenge of making healthy foods that my kids like.  Yesterday, I made a vegetable soup in the crock pot that my daughter loved. It had carrots, brocoli, string beans, couliflower, garlic and she said "yum" while she ate it. She's 7 years old.  To me, if I can figure out how to get my kids to like the good stuff I can break the cycle of obesity that is in mine and my husband's family. And that would be the best gift ever that I could give her.

I've also decided I'm going to go back and pick up some of the hobbies that I stopped doing when my kids were born. Flute was the biggest one. I can't eat an dplay the flute at the same time. I haven't started yet, but that's my resolution for 2010... to start playing again and find an orchestra to play with.

Good luck with your journey!
on 12/13/09 1:01 pm - Copeville, TX
REALIZE Band on 12/18/09 with
Lisa  //(*_*)\\

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away" George Carlin, Author Unknown
on 12/15/09 12:28 am

My family was the same way. Every event or reward was based on food. What I do now is focus more on shopping for clothes for my new body. I save so much money by not buying food out for breakfast, lunch and dinner so I spend that money on clothes and shoes. When I'm bored or feeling down, I like to try on old clothes or new clothes and just model in the mirror. It makes me feel great!!!!!!!!! That is my new comfort. Shopping and just pain loving me.

on 1/9/10 1:01 pm - Columbia, SC
I do this same thing. I love shopping for my new size and shoe shopping I love it. I love the new me and that is what I am rewarded with. I really am wearing my clothes now they are no longer wearing me.
on 12/21/09 12:52 pm
On December 10, 2009 at 7:01 PM Pacific Time, realturtlelover wrote:
I grew up in a family that used food for comfort, celebrations, excitement, necessity, boredom etc... I have continues throughout my life to use food for every an any occasion whether alone or in a group. Where will I get the comfort that food currently gives me??

I turn to my family, exercise, and the internet.

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