
Realize/ Lapband ?

on 12/7/09 3:17 am

Is one better than the other?  If so, why?

If given the choice which would you prefer and why?


Wendy's Dream
Came true

on 12/7/09 5:15 am - Mesa, AZ
VSG on 08/09/22

Before I had surgery I asked my surgeon which on it better, his replied was they are both the same.  They are a tool and we will have to work either in the same.  The port on the :Lap band has to be sutured in and comes in 2 sizes.  The port with the Realize band comes with a tool to clamp it to your muscle, it comes in 1 size.  Some surgeons only use 1 type.  My surgeon uses both.
Good Luck

   1st fill 4cc,  2nd fill 1.5cc  3rd fill 1.5cc 4th fill .5   Total 7.5 cc  in my 11cc Realize Band.
 Reached 1st goal weight 158 on 6/8/10, My Starting weight 235  
                                               Hit final goal of 145  10/25/10 
  Current weight 143  
                                If you work the band the band will work for you.
on 12/7/09 8:09 am
The Realize Band is newer technology and is a low-pressure system versus the lap band which is higher pressure supposedly. When I spoke to my surgeon about it he said the lap band might give me that feeling of oh no I am gonna throw up and that the realize band would not. I chose the realize band. I'm happy and it is accomplishing what I need it to right now.

on 12/7/09 7:57 pm
good morning,,,,i am glad to hear that you chose realize band...i was also debating up until i was ready for my surgery talking with the doc...he explained to me the same thing, and i  had told him i wanted the lap band because i heard you lose weight quicker with the lap band..he said that is not nec. true but he lapband does increase chances of vomiting and therefore can possibly have the band slip...so right away i chose the realize band...as a former bulimic,,,i did not want to even go there with the vomiting...good luck to you

on 12/7/09 9:19 pm
I do not think there is a real difference other than the manner in which the port is attached.  Some surgeons prefer one over the other.  I would go with what your surgeon uses more often. 
8.5 CC in my 11 CC Band

Randy Z.
on 12/7/09 10:07 pm - Charlotte, NC
I agree that as far as loosing the weight, there really is no difference. I have not heard about the vomiting. I went with the realize because of the lower profile. The band itself seems to have less edges on it and the port seemed to have a lower profile. Not that I would ever have 6 pack abs to have to worry about that. 

I do think that where the port is attached to the stomach is causing me some issues tho.  In the 2nd week, I shot up out of bed real quick and experienced sharp pain. I am still experiencing that to some extent if I over exert myself - like a 4 hr drive to the mountains. 2 tylenol in the am and 2 in the pm seem to take care of that.  Even with the pain, I'd still rather have the port clamped in place. 
HW 288 --  4/1/09 at 277.8 --  SW 268.8
Realize band 10/19/09

(deactivated member)
on 12/10/09 2:40 pm - Elkhorn City, KY
Hi Flamingo

I ask my Doctor the same thing today. He said they both are good and about the same.But he has never had a port to flip with the realize band and has with the lapband. He had done a lot of surgeries.

That's why i choose the Realize Band. He also said that Whatever we choose we have to work at it good eating habits and excercise.

Good Luck

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