
Itchiness and Raised bump near port and incisions

on 12/5/09 12:52 am
I am 4-days post surgery and have itchiness and raised bump near my port and incisions.  (Kind of looks like a larger mosquito bite.) I saw my doctor yesterday and she said that it is not infected (there is no push and the wounds are healing nicely) but it's some type of reaction to something. She put me on antibiotics and I've been taking benedryl by mouth too. It's a little better, but still very uncomfortable. I've only been on the medicine for 18 hours, but I'm so uncomfortable I'm wondering if it will ever go away!  THe rash is only where the port and incisions are and it's mostly where the port is; much less by the incisions.

Has this happened to anybody else? What did you do? 

It's very similar to a reaction that I had to a spider bite a few years ago and for that they tried antibiotics which didn't work and then put me on a steroid (which did work). Not sure if this is the same thing. But it feels and looks the same! 

let me know,

on 12/5/09 11:15 am
 I had raised rash like around 3 of my incisions, and I was taking Lovanox (blood thinner) I had to inject daily and all the bruises became inflammed and raised and warm to the touch same as the areas around the incision - Iitching like Hell. I had 2 rounds of antibiotics, took benedryl daily for a month and it is better but I has still have redness around my incision (slight) but it is getting better everyday. I am 6 weeks out, i am really surprised it lasted this long. 

My doctor was unsure about doing my fill because of my skin irriatation. He actually moved the skin so he could go in through a non inflammed area.  

It is so weird all the skin issue I have had. 
on 12/5/09 11:57 pm
Sounds very similar to what I have but I am not on Lovanox. I am taking an antibiotic which seems to have helped some, it's not quite as inflammed and red but still itches. I've only been on the antibiotics for two days though so we'll see whether it completely gets rid of it. Did your fill work? Cause any more irritation?

Keep me posted if you find something that gets rid of it.

Paulette L.
on 12/6/09 8:35 am
I am on the boards chat soon.

(start wt. 210, current 186, goal 150) Surgery Date: 6/10, Doctor Katz, PA

on 12/6/09 8:50 am
How did you find me? How do you become friends? I'm so lost! :)
on 12/6/09 5:23 am
Hi Kim!

I have had a red spot about the size of a quarter over my port site for about a month. My surgery was on September 23rd.  The spot is not raised, does not itch, and there are no bumps. My doctor said it seemed like a superficial skin issue but he put me in the hospital for three days and gave me Vincamyacin intraveneously. The spot didn't change. He discharged me and put me on Levaquin for a week. The spot still hadn't changed. Friday I went in for a biopsy of the red tissue. I should get the results around the middle of the week.
on 12/6/09 8:48 am
Wow, hope everything goes OK with your biospy.  Please keep me posted. Mine is defnitely an allergic reaction. The medicine seems to be helping. It's not as itchy and the redness has gone done. Not sure what I was allergic too -- the band aid? Steristrips or the actual band? Very strange! I hope it doesn't come back when I stop the medicine. Good luck with your biospy. Hope all goes well. How are you doing with your weight loss?

BTW, if it was you who sent me the friend request, I tried to accept but it wasn't working. I'm new on the site so I haven't quite figured out what to do. Will get there eventually!
hopeful and happy
on 12/6/09 9:50 am - Skinnytown, MA
I became crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy allergic to the adhesive in the bandages a few weeks out after surgery. I didn't know what it was, so I ignored it at first, but the itching turned into all out pain and agony, and I felt like I was being poisoned.

When I finaly suspected that the band-aid was the culprit, I ripped it off and felt about a million times better within and hour. Crazy, right?

Good luck with your itchies (and everything else!!).

on 12/6/09 10:13 am
Thanks. So strange how these things happen! Glad it was a fast recovery for you.
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