Ask Dr. Curry!
Some information about Dr. Curry.
Dr. Curry is a board-certified general surgeon who specializes in minimally invasive weight loss surgery. He is a Cincinnati native and trained at Good Samaritan Hospital. He is the director of bariatric surgery at The Jewish Hospital of Cincinnati and has performed well over 1300 laparoscopic gastric bands, 700 laparoscopic bypasses, and 75 sleeve gastrectomies, making him one of the most experienced laparoscopic band and laparoscopic gastric bypass surgeons in the region. In fact, he completes 99.9% of his procedures laparoscopically.
Dr. Curry has done more Realize Bands and Lap Bands than any other bariatric surgeon in Ohio, and he is the only Lap Band faculty surgeon in the region who has been chosen by Inamed/Allergan (the manufacturer of the Lap Band) as well as Ethicon Endo-Surgery (the manufacturer of the Realize Band) to be a proctor to teach other surgeons to do the procedure. He is also a sleeve gastrectomy proctor for W.L. Gore.
Dr. Curry is also well-known for his accessibility, and he frequently has patients from all over the country contacting him for advice and guidance.
Dr. Curry's practice is certified as a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence.
Please visit Dr. Curry website at
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on 12/10/09 2:52 pm - Elkhorn City, KY
I have a question i am getting the Realize Band and i am suppose to start taking a Multivitamin to get my body ready for surgery.
The problem is i am highly allergic to sulfur and i need a multivitamin that doesn't have sulfur. Any ideas?
Do you have any ideas as to what may be going on?
I was banded wih the Realize band 1 year ago. My starting weight was 250lbs. I lost a few pounds prior to the surgery due to the low carb diet and a few more during the 2 weeks following surgery, again due to the diet. About 15 lbs loss. Then I had a first fill in February with 3.5 ccs. I felt no restriction after this. Kept losing weight slowly mostly becasue of diet and will power. In March I had a second fill, with another 3.5 ccs, for a total of 7 ccs. This one was too much. I was throwing up a lot, had heartburn and was very uncomfortable. The doctor said the band was too tight and it had slipped. They removed the fluid in the band to see if it repositioned itself. It did not, and in May we did a corrective surgery. The surgeon said the pouch was huge and that this time they sutured the band in place. Very slowly this time, they started refilling the band every 4-5 weeks, with 1-2 ccs every time. Last time I went in November, they had alreday put in 11 cc (in the 9 cc realize band, not sure how that works), though the surgeon said it may not be exact.
Still I have NO RESTRICTION whatsoever. I can eat just as much as if I were not banded. I am going on Wednesday , they may do another fille. But I am wondering if there is something else going on. Basically during this last year I lost 50 lbs by the time I was getting sick, and have regained 20lbs since then.
I am thinking I should feel at least some restriction with a completely full band...
Thanks for your help!
Thank you!