
I don't know how it happened

Arlene F.
on 11/30/09 12:02 am
Last Tuesday I got out of the hospital after my banding surgery...I felt awful, out of sorts, distraught, sad...you name it...a gammit of emotions....
Perhaps I was still drugged up but I went to the board for some positive strokes...
posted my feelings and was pleasantly surprised at the nice positive things from  people who  wrote me back .
When I could sit still for more than a couple minutes I went back on line to read some more and realized I posted my problems/concerns on the Oklahoma forum.....I don't know how I got there....
I live in Pennsylvania ....Anyway...people are really nice in Oklahoma....they were very kind when I was down...


on 11/30/09 12:52 am - PA
Congratulations on your Band!!!  That is very exciting.  Welcome to the banded life AND the losers bench!!  :D : D

That is too funny about posting on the Oklahome board.  So sweet though you got nice feedback.  Hopefully PA people will be the same  HA HA  You remember I'm from PA too, so I will.  :) 

Them first two weeks were hard, not just pain, but adapting to the idea of really being banded, being hit truly with the loss of food, the liquids and food phases.  It also hit me, while in pain, what I had done and what had gotten me there.  It did make me sad and I cried to my husband a few times cause I just was sad.  However, I believe it was the liquids wearing me down cause as soon as I got to real foods again everything was on the up and up.  I feel wonderful and am just loving my band so far. 

So, hang in there...it all gets easier and after puree's you will be on soft foods and it will make a huge difference in your physcial and emotional energy.  :D 

I'm here if you need to chat!!! 


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

Arlene F.
on 11/30/09 1:01 am
Oh Boo...thanks so much...I felt so terrible that first day home...I really thought I should go back and see Dr. Boe and ask him to take it out...I didn't want to cry to my husband about the loss of food in my life...I love food, I love to cook and I realize I guess eating it was a part of the process (hence the size of me)

I felt so alone and didn't realize that I wasn't the only one that was feeling they had just made a huge mistake...I mean it was too late for hind sight but I really was feeling badly about the whole process...AND the Oklahoma people were nice...walk and walk they told me...I did.

Somebody told me on day 4 I would see a big difference and I have seen a difference...I mean I am up to day 7 and feeling better every day...still am grieving certain things..not realizing how much time (socially) my hubby and I spent socializing around food...AND now he feels guilty eating in front of me...vicious circle here...he even hides when he eats a bowl of cereal..I don't even care for cereal.

But its great to hear it gets better and I have yet to feel and say I love my band...
Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement...I feel I need them every so often...from somebody who has been there...ya know.

on 11/30/09 1:18 am - PA
Oh, I do know.  It is a hard process.  I remember the first two weeks after surgery just wanting to cry, I felt so out of control of what was going on, even though I was TOTALLY in control.  If that makes any sense at all.  LOL  Just give the healing and adjustment time, it is hard and we do have a lot to process on why we got so fat, why we had to have surgery, dealing with the surgery, dealing with the loss of food, the liquids and mushies.  It's a lot to hit you at once. 

Maybe this band will make your husband eat healthier too.  :)  Fingers crossed.  HA  My husband has been dieting so it's not like he's eating junk in front of me or piggin out, which I am sure has really helped.  We were shocked too by how much of our time revolves around food, meal planning etc.  You will get used to it and adjust and make new habits.  Just give yourself time. 

You'll begin bonding with your band soon.  :)  It's a process. 


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

Arlene F.
on 11/30/09 1:29 am
Your words of encouragement are priceless...thanks.
I do want to bond with my band and its only been a week...I don't feel as desperate...
So thats something...

My hubby is trying hard...I have to give him credit...he just doesn't understand that this is my choice and I have to live with it..He doesn't have to do without cause I used to love this or that kind of food...

He will ....its just a guilt thing right now I guess...

I just ate cottage cheese...yummm...
Hope it agrees with me.

on 11/30/09 2:00 am - PA
Yea, and just remember, neither of you should feel guilty at all.  Just use this as an opportunity to make the true lifestyle changes to keep you both healthy and here for a long time.  :)  Plus, it' makes you feel good and proud ya know.  You guys will get there and figure out how to make it work for both of you.  Like you said, your only a week out and right now while on your liquids, mushies, it is very sweet he is being considerate of you.  :)  Give him a big kiss.  lol

Enjoy the cottage cheese!!!  :)


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

on 11/30/09 5:05 am
I too am a week out. I had my surgery on 11/23. I was never in too much pain. I even had them to disconnect the morphine in the hospital because it made me feel loopy. I feel hungry sometimes but it is not bad. I drink a lot and eat the diabetic yogurt now and soups and the protein shakes are good so am coming along. I wish everyone lots of luck!!

Hopefully everyone who are having emotional issues will feel better after they get into the foods they can eat forever and not the liquids and mushies. I have lost 9lbs since pre op visit but know when I start eating real foods some of this will come back.

I am staying positive and will continue this journey with positivity because the alternative is not worth it. Neet
on 11/30/09 5:21 am
 Hi Irish! I gotta tell ya I'm feeling the same way you are! super emotional all day and always think what the hell have I done to myself. I have to keep reminding my self I'm still getting used to it and that once i get off this EFFIN' liquid and mushie stage I won't feel deprived. We can do this! 
Arlene F.
on 11/30/09 5:33 am
Amber...its nice to know I am not the only person who feels/felt this way. AND chastising myself for taking such an extreme measure to lose the weight.  AND yes we are still getting used to the whole process.  Tomorrow I am supposed to move to puree....I jumped the gun and today had a snack size cottage cheese and it was very good....
Don't know what your doc/nut is requiring you to do...was on full liquids for a whole week and then I am supposed to be on puree for a week and then soft for 2 weeks....
I really am starting to get hungry...food is calling my name...

AND YES...WE CAN DO THIS....We new it wasn't going to be easy....

Good Luck Amber.....Keep in touch.
on 12/1/09 6:26 am - PA
Hang in there Amber, it really will get better.  Walk a litle here and there throughout the day and think of what you will feel and look like next holiday!!!!  I know when I was in pain and wanted to just cry I would think about "where will I be this time next year?" and then "where would I be this time next year without the surgery?".  It was obvious which image looked a lot more positive and happy.  So, you can do these phases and will do great.  I feel for you guys though they really are very very hard on the spirit.  You'll be threw them in no time.  Chin up.  You really can do it!


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

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