
couple of quick questions

on 11/25/09 7:46 pm
1.  I am scheduled for surgery 12/18 but I talked to my insurance yesterfday and they won't be able to tell me if I am approved or not until  12/9.  Is that normal to  be cutting it so close?

2.  I've been pretty unsuccesful in my pre-op attempt at weight loss.  I've lost maybe 5 lbs since June.  Has anyone been unsuccesful pre-op but still been succesful after the surgery?  I am just starting to get worried that I've chosen the wrong surgery.

3.  I work for a large company.  And of course I'll tell the disability people why I'm out.  But any one have any good reasons to give my co-workers to explain my absence.  I work w/ a group of women that I 'm pretty close with and they tell me everything about their medical issues.  So, a general personal problems won't cut it.   But I really don't want to tell them I'm out for WLS/
on 11/25/09 8:14 pm
1)  I have no idea

2)  So far I'm down 4# and in my 6th month of supervised medical diet.  My last appt before my doctor's office requests my approval will be in about 2 wks. 

3)  Tell them that you have a "female issue" that needs to be dealt with.  Not exactly a lie, right? LOL

Good luck!
janice A.
on 11/26/09 10:37 am - san angelo, TX
1. Insurance companies like to run our lives.. good thing is u can always reschedual .. i hope they let u know sooner..

2. My doc didnt make me have a pre-op weight loss .. Thank god.. if i could do it on my own i wouldn't have needed the band.. Don't worry u will do great with the band..

3. As for your  co-workers what the previous post put down sounds good.  Just had to deal with private issues. I told the people at my work but i feel i am always under a microscope .. they watch what i eat how much i eat if i dont feel well and if i am loosing how slowly or how fast.. there will always be someoen to say negative things and unfortunately those few negative things tend to outweigh the positive. 

I wish u all the best no matter if u have a band or other type surgery. .. Hope to  hear some good news from you ..

Take care..


  long term

SW 303/ lapband/ 244 /335 pre-op/ revision 4/11

(deactivated member)
on 11/26/09 12:20 pm
Hi there,

Sorry, I can't help with #1. My insurance covered it straight off for me. No approval needed.

#2 I hear ya. I really do. It was a real struggle for me. Don't beat yourself up -- you are getting weight loss surgery, because you need some help in order to lose weight. I don't think any doctor expects you to jump in and lose a bunch.  My doctor said even 5lbs would help.

#3 I see the idea of where the previous commentor said to say "female issues".  HOWEVER, at my work, they would gobble that up and go for more. Those ladies would want to know every single detail and then ha**** all out and compare it to their own medical issues and every person they've ever heard of that had female issues.  What is it with so many of us women?  We love to hear a good medical issue. LOL  T

Good luck!

on 11/26/09 11:03 pm
Yeah, I know everything about my coworkers' uteri.  So, I do think that they'd ask to many questions.  I have some inner ear issues so I was thinking of going with that.  I am just not sure.  I was hoping someone might have some good ideas.
on 11/27/09 1:23 am - PA
1.  I didn't find out till right before my surgery either.

2.  That sounds pretty normal, if you want the band I wouldn't not do it because of the pre-op, unless you've been charting your foods and know you've been 100% eating a very low cal diet and the weight won't come off...maybe something malabsorbtive would be better.  Most people don't really do that pre-op though.  They just kind of watch a little here and there.  :)  I am sure you will do just fine.  It is work though and won't come off on it's own.

3.  If woman issues won't work, tell them you have a bad hiatal hernia that needs repaird.  That or your getting your gall bladder out.  I don't blame you for not telling them, especially women.  They so would be hawking you after surgery.  lol

Hang in there...everything will go great!  :D


04/20/2009- Started Pre-Op Diet at 281 pounds
09/16/2009- Had Surgery at 248 pounds
11/19/2009- 1st fill of 4 cc's
2nd Fill of 1 cc
01/28/2010- 3rd Fill of .5 cc
04/01/2010- 4th Fill of .3 cc

Ultimate Goal Weight:  140

Life is a Beach
on 11/27/09 2:49 am
1. My surgery was scheduled and the approval came in about a week to a week and half before the surgery so it's not uncommon.

2. I didn't lose much weight on the supervised diet and I agree with what others posted that it's a good reason we need the tool of the band. :)

3. I didn't tell people at work. I told them I needed to get something taken care of....One person asked what kind of surgery when I said I was having surgery and I panicked and just repeated "surgery." At that point another coworker just chimed in "good luck." I figure she was really just being concerned but then realized it wasn't really her business. I also don't want people watching me all the time or getting caught up in whether the weight is coming off quickly or not. I work in a school and the only person who knows is the nurse just in case something happened to me while I was there and she's supposed to keep things confidential.
 "I may not be moving fast or gracefully, but at least I'm moving!"            
on 11/27/09 11:04 am - IL
i work in medical insurance and yes it can come down to the wire ,but stay on top of them,

yes,it can and will happen sometimes. the reason they want you to lose before surgery  is because it shrinks the liver and also because you will be healthier going on.

i for one told no one, i work pretty close with a group ,we are like family..but i just told them i had to have a female procedure and really didn't want to talk about it...i actually have never told anyone....still to this day. and i like it better that way....FOR ME...i don;t ge****ched all the time,i don;t get questioned.....i go about my business and lose the weight.....
good luck to you! you'll do fine.

Tom C.
on 12/1/09 12:24 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

#1 – depends on your insurance company, but it’s not out of the ordinary. I know people who didn’t get the “official" word until the day BEFORE the operation. In fact, one person had to call THAT DAY before they were wheeled in.


#2 – I am ashamed to tell you how much I GAINED BEFORE THE operation. However that was 180+ pound ago .. seems like a lifetime :D !!


#3 – While I understand and respect people’s decision NOT TO TELL COWORKERS, I made sure I told mine. (A) because I didn’t care what ANYONE SAID/THOUGHT. This was MY DECISION to make ME HEALTHIER !! Ef the person who didn’t like it (and to my credit, not one person said anything to the contrary) (B) GOD FORBID something happened at work, I wanted everyone to know what I had done – and where the “port" was – etc. Just in case I was incapable of telling the people treating me. But, all you need to tell folks is “I am going to be out of a while because I need a break and a change" – no other reason needed.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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