
Port infection??

on 11/21/09 7:02 am
I am two months post-op and have developed a red spot over my port site (about the size of a quarter). When I saw my surgeon this week he just said it was unusual and to let him know if it didn't get better or if I started running a fever. The spot hasn't gotten any better and last night I was running a low-grade temperature of 99.7. I'm very concerned...has anyone had this problem? How serious is a port infection? Will I have to get my band removed? I haven't been able to find hardly any inforamtion on this...I appreciate any advice.
on 11/21/09 8:25 am - IL
a port infection is never a good thing! you need to speak to your doc....you may need an antibiotic or in the most severe case a different port placed.....i had an infection on the outside around my port area..but it was topical and caused by the ster-strips...is it a round circle on top of your port site? that is unusuaL AND i'm sure not a good thing.
hopeful and happy
on 11/22/09 7:56 am - Skinnytown, MA
I am one month (tomorrow!) post-op and have been struggling with an infection on the port site since week one. I have been on two rounds of anti-biotics and frankly in a ton of pain. My port is right under my left breast and wearing a bra is killing me!! I wi**** was an option not to, but... Anyway, I am praying it clears up, finally, because I am terrified they'll need to go in to remove it.

You need to make yourself the first appointment in the morning and get it looked at and get onto anti-biotics. This is not likely to clear up on it's own without medical intervention.

Good luck and feel well soon!

on 11/22/09 8:51 am
Thanks for the responses...my doctor put me in the hopsital today and put me on Vancomycin through an IV. He says he thinks the infection is superficial but would rather err on the side of caution. *fingers crossed* Julie, my port is also right under my left breast and is not very comfortable. I'll pray for you too! Best of luck to both of you!
on 11/22/09 10:38 am
Please be careful!!!  I have been struggling with an infection since week 5 (i'm now in week 7.5).  I had one round of antibiotics and an iv and my infection came back.  It grew to the size of a large marble under my port incision.  I called the dr. immediately and his nurse told me to put a bacitracin and a band-aid on it since I had an appt 2 days later.  I woke up the next morning and my infection was flowing out of a section of my incision that had opened.  It was disgusting!  I sat in the shower for an hour letting it come out.  I have now had it "leaking" for a week.  I go back to see my dr. tomorrow.  Hopefully this is all going to work itself out.  He told me that if my infection isn't gone, then he has to go in and remove my port.  Then, let it all heal and get the infection out and then go back in and put a new port on.  (Neither of the last two sound much fun!!!)  I am optimisic that the infection has left my body.  I still have a week of antibiotics to finish and hopefully when those are done, so is my infection.

Good luck.
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