
6 Day Post Op

on 10/31/09 1:16 am
Hey Guys, 
 I am new to the Realize Band Forum, since my doctor decided on the Realize Band about 15 minutes prior to surgery.  I thought I would update everyone and find out if anyone has any advice or suggestions for phase I.
My incisions are healing pretty well with the exception of the large one where my port is located. It seems to be a little redder than the others. It is located above my waist line on my left hand side and seems to get pulled and tugged the most when I am moving. Last night was the first night I was able to shower and be in the bathroom with minimum assistance. This has truly tested my husband's love and dedication to his vows that is for sure. I am happy to report that he just continues to impress me with his love for me and his willingness to do whatever is needed to help.
After being on liquids for 5 days, yesterday was the first day I was really craving food. I just kept sipping on my 2oz of liquid every fifteen minutes in order to eliminate the desires to want solid foods. I have been compliant beyond words. I have been drinking two protein shakes per day mixed with skim milk which almost meets my carb and protein goals within those two drinks. I save the two shakes for breakfast and dinner. The rest of the 15 minute incriments are split between chicken broth, chicken noodle soup broth, water, G2 and sugar-free jello.
As I said before, I do have discomfort in my incisions however the greatest pain is air in my chest. It causes me to fold over in great pain. I called the nurse this morning who suggested that when I take my sips of my liquids to exhale before swallowing. Because of the small sips and the frequent intake, it is easy for me to get unwanted air in my breathing tubes and esophagus. So, I will be practicing that today.
I am still very excited about this adventure and this journey. If I had any doubt of how hard this would be, I no longer am filled with those fluffy illusions. I assure you this has been harder than any diet I ever did throughout my 40 years. At least on a diet, you could feel satisfied through salad and tuna. Haha! I so do not take that for granted now. Never let anyone tell you this is an easy journey... I ASSURE YOU, it is not. I said that weight loss surgery was a last resort for me and I do believe that I was at a place in my life where I needed this assistance to reach my goal. I look forward to my new life.
on 10/31/09 6:26 am
Hi there,

I am on my 3 day post op today.  I took my first shower today and feel better for doing so.

Following the clare fluid schedule as you are.  I have the disconfort with the port incision as well.  Otherwise the feeling of pressure/burning is what's bugging me.  Sleeping little naps helps too.

Well best of luck to you 
on 10/31/09 9:34 am
Congratulations to you too! Yes, I was so happy to finally take a shower. I have been taking Gas X to help with the extra air in the belly. I also discovered sitting up tall or standing helps with releasing it into the "happy ending of a burp". Good Luck, keep me posted!
Wendy's Dream
Came true

on 10/31/09 12:42 pm - Mesa, AZ
VSG on 08/09/22
Looks like we had surgery on the same day. My Dr did the same thing to me. I got the Realize Band and hope that is the right decision.  I have be having pain were the port is also.  Having trouble with the liquid but really trying hard.  I get 2 oz. of food malt o meal, broth, sf jello, pudding with protein 3x a day.  Protein shake twice a day.  My husband has been great.  He had to get me out of bed until yesterday.  It is great to have someone that truly love us.  I guess after 24 yrs of marriage I would know that he really love me.  This has been the hardest week I have ever had being on a diet.  Keep me posted on you progress.  We have a true new journey that we have gotten our self into. Can't wait until the day I can best wife and mother that I want too be. 

   1st fill 4cc,  2nd fill 1.5cc  3rd fill 1.5cc 4th fill .5   Total 7.5 cc  in my 11cc Realize Band.
 Reached 1st goal weight 158 on 6/8/10, My Starting weight 235  
                                               Hit final goal of 145  10/25/10 
  Current weight 143  
                                If you work the band the band will work for you.
on 10/31/09 11:58 pm - Thomasville, NC
Hi guys, I am right here with you.  I had my surgery 10/21.  The gas in my abdomen spread everywhere, in my chest, shoulders, neck.  The only thing that helped me was walk walk walk.  Did I mention I walked?  LOL  Now I'm on day 11 and still on liquids but sooooo ready for the mushie stage!  I go to the nut on Wed and I am counting the hours!  LOL  My insicions are healing up but I still have the steri strips.  As the days tick on with the liquid diet, you will begin to lose swelling and for me, I began to feel hunger again.  KEEP DRINKING PROTEIN!!!  My hubby has been a rock too, making me walk and reminding me to keep drinking protein.  Good luck on your journeys!  Its day 11 and I have lost 12 pounds so far!!!

3cc on 12/10/09, 0.8cc on 1/25/10, 1.0 cc on 3/15/10, 1.0 cc on 4/28/10, 0.2 cc on 6/16/10, 0.7 cc on 8/26/10, 0.8 cc on 10/15/10, 1.0 cc on 3/17/11 and 0.3 cc on 6/9/11.  8.8 cc in my 11cc band

HW 258/SW 242/CW 170/GW 140

on 11/1/09 8:46 pm
Well it's great to hear everyone's story and know there is support here!

I'm feeling pretty good today on p/o day 4.  Still some of the pressure and nausea though.  Def. not hungry yet....

Have a great day
Tom C.
on 11/1/09 9:21 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
CONGRATS to ALL !! You are all doing EXCELLENT !! Keep up the great work, and know we're here if you need.

And of course, I have saved you all a seat on the loser's bench in our winner's circle !!
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
(deactivated member)
on 11/1/09 10:16 pm
Hi there!

Welcome to the Realize Band forum. Surgery is no walk in the park -- that's for sure, but it does get a little better each day.

For me, slow walking several times a day helped a lot with the gas pains. This whole process is hard work, but keep it up, you are doing a great job!

Kwanna K.
on 11/9/09 12:51 am

Hello friends,

I had surgery on 10/23 and it's been an interesting run. I'm very excited about my decision to be banded. I had gas pains for one day. No pain at any incision sites. Day three and four were bad for me, but nothing I couldn't handle.  On 10/24 I had to have a "bath" in the sink, but since then I've taken showers. I, too, have a great husband. He's been my total rock and I never thought I could love him more, but, yes, I love him more and I'm truly blessed to have this man by my side. I had a brief moment of insanity this past Thursay with eating a half cup of something I shouldn't have and my band brought everything back to me...lol. I'm thankful for this board and you all. Have a blessed day everyone!

HW-212   SW-205  CW-194.5  GW-135

If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.        
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