
Naproxen, Ibuprofen Question

Candi G.
on 10/22/09 11:23 pm - Knoxville, TN
When I had my pre-surgery final class, I wa**** with this gem of information that in all of my research I had never come across before, that we were to never again take naproxen or ibuprofen or any drug containing those ingredients due to their ability to inflame the stomach.  Honestly, had I known this September of 2008 when I began this journey I would have reconsidered ever having the surgery and may have given up on the whole idea. 

As a woman with numerous lady problems (endometriosis, pcos, dysmenorrhea, pmdd) next to taking pain meds, those are the only over the counter drugs that help me with my incredibly painful lady times.  Of course, finding this out the week before my surgery was lovely.  I resigned myself to the news and accepted that I would have to find other methods to control my pain. 

In the past six months I have delayed my times with meds (which in turn makes them worse the next time around), used heat, natural herbs, broken down and gotten pain meds and used every homeopathic option I could find.  Nothing helps with the exception of the pain meds that knock me out and make me sick.  Earlier this week, I broke down and tried one little Ibuprofen.  It helped, I cried in relief.  I then tried two later that day and found that I wasn't dying of any excrutiating stomach pain and that again, it helped with the pain. 

I guess my question is did any of your doctors tell you guys the same thing regarding no anti-inflammatory meds?  Is this something that applies more to bypassers?  I was thinking maybe that was the case because as the only bandster having surgery the next week I was grouped into a bypass pre-surgery session.  Have any of  you used ibuprofen post-band and if so, have you had any issues?  Any light you can shed would be great for me.  I will be talking about it next week with my doc during my fill but I would like to come to the table with some advice from other bandsters so that incase he starts lecturing me about not following rules, I have some ammo.
If nature had intended our skeletons to be visible, it would have put them on the outside of our bodies.

crystal M.
on 10/23/09 4:23 am - Joliet, IL
My surgeon like yours said no Ibuprofen or Naproxen.  I do know some people whose surgeons didn't put them on this restriction and they take it all of the time.  I myself have taken it a few times, with no problems.  Like everything else with WLS every surgeon has their own opinions. 
Nicole Wilson
on 10/23/09 7:43 am - Indianapolis, IN
I take ibuprofen all the time, I haven't had any problems.  I don't think I was told that I couldn't take it. 
(deactivated member)
on 10/23/09 11:22 am - Golden, CO
Right or wrong, I was told by my Surgeon's surgical nurse that does my fills that they don't like ibuprofen because it can be rough on the stomach pouch when it sits there in pill form. I hurt my shoulder and tylenol did nothing to help. So I called and they said I could take liquid ibuprofen as long as I dodn't take it for more than two weeks. The liquid does not sit in the pouch like a pill does, so it is safer for Bandsters. However, the only liquid ibuprofen is for children and to get an adult dose, it gets really expensive to have to take so much of it. But that's how I take it and so far no problems.
on 11/13/09 2:27 pm
I was told the same thing about not taking pills ... so what i have done during those lady times is take children's tylenol or liquid mortin.. it can get expensive but it gets in my system quicker.... good luck



Tom C.
on 11/13/09 6:41 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ


With that said, my Doctor has said:

(A) Never is such a llllloooonnngggg time. So there is no such thing as never. (OK, with the exception of smoking )

(B) if no other medication helps, and you occasionally use these medicines, then it should be ok. However if you use them everyday then you may want to look into other options.

I have used all sort of over the counter pain relief medication. I use the ones my Doctor strongly suggested, but
occasionally I need to use another.

Again, speak with your Doctor.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
stacy A.
on 11/19/09 2:04 pm - rockwood, TN
I was told to never take alieve. that it could damage my band. i do take ibuprophen alot. i was not told not to. Whats it supposed to do??
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