
Thank You to everyone who prayed for me 6 days post op!

Amy G.
on 10/5/09 5:09 am - IL
I am 6 days post surgery, and let me tell you it was a BREEZE!  I was terrifried, I almost even backed out the morning of surgery.  I was scared to death.  I had never been in a hospital, never had surgery....never, ever been ill in my life. 

When I finally got there, the nurses and my doc put all my fears to rest and before I knew it, it was all over.

They told my hubby I would be in recovery for about 3-4 hrs.  But I was on my feet in less than 1 1/2 hrs.  My surgery was at 8:30am and I was in my room by 10:15am.  I woke up with NO pain and was terrified that for some reason they couldnt put the band on.  They assured me that the band was on and surgery was a success.  They did find a hernia but repaired it while in there. 

I am amazed at how fast I am recovering.  Since the night of surgery I have been walking 3-4 miles a day.  My incisions look like fine little lines of hair.  My stretch marks are uglier! lol 

I was on a liquid diet for 3 days post sx but moved to soft foods on Friday.  They told me to start with 1 oz and try to slowly increase to 4oz.  I am still only able to eat approx 3 1/2 oz and start to feel full.  I am not a puker, so I am afraid to pu**** for fear I will get sick. 

Thank You so much to everyone who prayed for me and for their advice.  It was the best choice I made for myself.   Thanks again...

on 10/5/09 11:35 pm
congrats! - same here - had not been in hosp since 1980- but recently had to have D&C and now I am totally ready for my band (11/02).  I'll keep in touch to see how you're doing.  Margie


Amy G.
on 10/6/09 9:22 am - IL
Margie, I pray and wish for you to have as easy of a surgery as I had. 

I am on day 7 post op and I feel like a million bucks.  Today I ate some real food, not just the soft mushy stuff.  For breakfast I had 1 scrambled egg with a little bit of shredded cheese.  Dinner was homemade vegtable beef soup.  (I made it with ground turkey, my hubby and son couldnt even tell it was ground turkey..haha)  I sipped on the juice of the soup first then ate the veggies and turkey.  Although I can still only eat about 3 oz, it was so so good.

Keep in touch Margie..   only 27 more days!

on 10/9/09 3:53 am - IL

isn't dr joyce a god send? he has the best bed-side manner. he really cares about you and will make you feel very comfortable. i always ask him if he is having a good day and are you happy today? i started that the days of my surgery and aske him evertime i go for a fill. he just giggles a me and says yes.  i told him i just anyone who is cutting or poking a needle to be having a good day.




Amy G.
on 10/9/09 6:52 am - IL
Dr Joyce is wonderful.  I have had the pleasure of knowing him for the last 2 yrs.  Thats how long it took to get my ins company to approve the surgery.  I am very pleased with his bed-side manner and with his knowledge.  This was my very first experience with being a patient in a hospital and surgery.  I am 36 and have never had a health problem other than my weight.  Dr Joyce knew how afraid I was and always managed to put my fears to rest.  I work in a lab and many of the RN's and Dr.'s I work for were very impressed with how small my incisions were and how straight they were glued shut.  All 5 of my incisions look like small fine strands of hair. 

Best of luck to ya on your continued journey.


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