

on 9/30/09 11:12 pm - AL

Hello all my bandster friends....hope all are doing well this beautiful cool thursday morning.
Have a concern, got word from my family doctor that the blood work he did a few weeks ago revealed that my liver function test are elevated...normal range goes up to 150, mine shows 167.  He faxed the results to my surgeon whom I have an appt. with today.  I asked my doctor what could cause such a rise in the levels...said it could be a result of the band surgery, or could indicate some type of tumor, cancer, etc.  Of course I am trying not to freak out...trying to think positive, like maybe the test was wrong, s howed a wrong reading, or they tested the wrong blood...etc.  I am going to be talking with Dr. Hannon, my surgeon today, ask to have the test re done....Please keep me in your prayers, and also has anyone else experienced this type of results from lap band surgery?  IF so, what was the cause of such high elevations?
Will let everyone know what I find out.  Thank you for your prayers and concerns.  Farmgirl58
PS...lost 50 lbs since may, dropped 4 clothes sizes also!  Feel fantastic.

on 9/30/09 11:54 pm
Please let us know what the doctor says.  Sending prayers your way.  Hang in there.


on 10/2/09 10:16 am - KY
Hi , 50 lbs. way to go.  Let us know how your tests turn out. Will keep you in my prayers, hopeng the best for you .
on 10/3/09 5:22 am - AL
Hey Dear FRiend, well I saw the surgeon Thursday for a followup, and concerns about the elevated Liver function test....he looked back in my record there and saw that it was slightly elevated before the surgery....so he drew more blood, to do a second opinion.  He did say it has nothing to do with getting banded, as the pre surgery test showed elevation...he said it could be many things, anything from a fatty liver, to a malignancy, but he feels it could be a benign fatty tumor. as I have had one before on my thigh, which was removed about 18 yrs ago.  MY family doctor did tell me that when one has a fatty tumor, there could be others and where or when they appear is unknown.  The surgeon says being that I have lost so much weight, that there could possibly one that appeared on the liver.  I will know what the test show, and if there is still a significant elevation, he is going to request a liver scan, and go from there.  Right now I am not too worried, why worry about something until there is something to worry about!  The only symptoms I have is tenderness and pressure in the upper right quadrant under the ribs where the liver is located and feeling of being worn out to a frazzle sometimes.  So, will keep friends and family posted.  I am hoping it is nothing really serious, like cancer!  Cancer does run on both sides of my family. 
Well, how are you doing?  Hope all is well and you are in good health.  Other than the symptoms I just described, I have been feeling WONDERFUL!!!
on 10/5/09 1:09 am
Hey -  the same thing happened to me and my surgeon said it was likely from liver inflammation due to the rapid weight loss and lots of protein in the diet.  He said he would not normally check any lab wor****il a year after surgery.  The liver enzymes were drawn by another doctor, but when they were elevated this was the surgeon's explanation.  So, don't worry, I think you are fine!
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