
Realize Band questions

on 9/28/09 7:17 pm

Hi, I am new here to the forum and wanted to ask a few questions to see if what I am experiencing is normal or abnormal.

I had my band placed on 9/16/09, the Realize Band.  I have had a horrible burning pain at my port site off and on depending on my movements that feels so intense that I expect to look down and see blood on my shirt but I don't.  The outside of the incision looks ok, the incision where my port is is about 4in long.  It is very tender for anything to rub against it.  When I have asked my doctor about it he states it just takes time as it is attached to the muscle.  I want to find out if I am just more sensitive to this or if this sounds like something that is more of a problem and that I should insist that something be addressed. I don't want to over react but I am worried.  I have had other abdominal surgeries and have not had complications and have dealt with the pain accordingly. 

Also, I am on they mushy stages now, I was told there isn't really any restriction in my band now.  I was told to eat 3 meals a day.  I don't feel full after eating and I am trying to make good choices with my foods.  I usually do 2-3 protein drinks a day-the EAS Myoplex lite, eat small amounts of a cream based soup, cottage cheese, pudding or something along these lines. I did lose weight ,although slowly, by doing the liver shrinking diet pre-op but I seem to be staggering around the same weight for the past week, I felt with his major decrease in calories compared to what I used to eat I would be losing more.  Does anyone have any explanation for this?  I am getting worried, I want to do things that are making things harder for me.  I just feel like I am confused as to what direction I should be going.  I work nightshift and I am unsure when I should be eating, I am trying to stave off hunger by drinking sf liquids but this is getting hard, I wonder if I am not eating enough to lose weight.  Any suggestions appreciated.

Sincerely, Juli

Tom C.
on 9/28/09 9:48 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ



First of all - no one know your body BUT YOU. So make sure you "listen" to your body. With that said, what you are experiencing with your port is common. However, if this continues for another 2 weeks, go back to the Doctor and complain loudly. Tell them you want to make sure nothing is wrong. I rather you be proven wrong then wait and be proven correct.

You are correct in that there is no “real restriction" from the band (since it’s empty) – except that it’s over your stomach and that should cause some “natural" restriction. Feeling you can eat more is normal. Remember the band goes around your stomach but not your brain. If you tried to eat “normally" you will probably get sick.

Make sure each meal takes 25 to 30 minutes to complete. It takes about this time for the stomach to tell the brain “I am full". No matter if you eat 10 plates of food or 1 plate. What I did (and still do) is I would take a spook/fork full of food in my mouth. Chew (if applicable) for 30 seconds – wait another 30 seconds and then take another bite. So every minute I would put something in my mouth. I still use either a stop watch, or VCR clock, or computer clock to do this. It helps.

Make sure you are hitting your Protein amount (60 to 80 grams – or Doctor instructed); don’t drink 30 minutes before/after or during meals; Make sure you are getting your 64 ounces (minimum) of fluids in. Again (to this day) I would a timer and every 10 minutes I would sip liquids. By doing this, I always felt “full".

I know others will have different suggestion, so try them all.

Good luck and know I am here for you !!


Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 9/28/09 11:19 pm
Thank you so much Tom, I appreciate all of your kind words and advice and for taking the time to really care and give me your opinion and guidance.  It means so much.  I am hoping for this to not be a problem, but you are right, I need to take action for myself if things don't seem right and aren't getting better.  Do you get your protein from shakes/drinks or mainly from food?  Did you have a hard time not drinking with your meals?  That is going to be a tough habit to break, any suggestions other than not have any fluids anywhere near you!  lol  Were you able to feel full when you didn't have anything in your band?  Gotta work on the brain thing that's for sure, otherwise I wouldn't be in this situation.  When you had your fills how could you tell it was the right restriction for you?  Is it something that you just know when you have them done?  And if you aren't getting any feelings of fullness after fills how did they determine how much to advance the fills each time?  Thanks again for all of your help. 
Blessings, Juli
Tom C.
on 9/29/09 2:40 am - Mount Arlington, NJ



Thanks for the kind words. I needed it today.


Do you get your protein from shakes/drinks or mainly from food? – In the beginning it will be shakes. Remember (rule of thumb) one ounce of protein food is about 7 grams. In order to get in say 80 grams of protein in a day, you will need to eat about 11 ounces of protein food. Highly unlikely you will be able to do that. So that’s where the protein drinks come in. Please make sure your Protein drink does not contain more the 24 grams of protein per serving, and the carbs are about 5 grams. Anything over that is “wasted"


That is going to be a tough habit to break, any suggestions other than not have any fluids anywhere near you! 


Were you able to feel full when you didn't have anything in your band? – YES!! As long as I took my time eating, and followed ALL THE RULES, I never felt hunger. Even to this day I don’t get hungry – unless I don’t follow the rules.


When you had your fills how could you tell it was the right restriction for you?  - First, when you get a fill, your stomach will feel like it does now. You will never know you had one, until your try to CONSUME something. If  you consume (water/food) and you feel a “slight restriction" then you’re fine. If you can’t keep anything down – then too tight. If it feels as if nothing was done – not enough.


And if you aren't getting any feelings of fullness after fills how did they determine how much to advance the fills each time?  - Depends on the Doctor and how they do it. Some Doctors use Fluoroscope (xray) and can actually see the restriction (you will drink while they do this to see how tight you are). Others do it “blind" and it’**** or miss. Make sure you ask your Doctor how they do fills. My suggestion – do not do a fill unless you stopped losing weight (for 2 months); your weight it going up and/or you notice you can eat more. Remember, we can only do so many fills until our band is full. Why waste it if  you can continue to lose weight without a fill.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 10/4/09 1:38 pm - South Lyon, MI
Hi Juli, I had the realize band placed 9/18/09. I feel a tugging where my port is. It can be pretty uncomfortable at times but seems to be getting better with time..I
on 10/4/09 1:43 pm
Hi Tom,

What do you mean anything over 24 grams of protein is "wasted"? No one has ever said anything about the protein to me.

Tom C.
on 10/4/09 9:06 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

According to my Nutritionist, in the beginning if you consume over 24-25 grams of protein (especially in drink) it’s “wasted" because your “new stomach/body" can’t absorb more than that and your kidneys work harder to expel that (that’s why some nutritionists feel diets that are “high protein – low carbs" aren’t healthy), added to the fact you are drinking a lot more hence “expelling water" a lot more – your kidneys will get a work out. Plus since it is the protein is “liquid", what you expel will also be lost.

Now your Doctor and/or Nutritionists may disagree (I've learned there is no exact rule when it comes to WLS). As I always state, speak to your Doctor (or Nutritionists) before modifying your diet (especially on advice given by me or any poster). They know YOU better then I (we) can.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 10/11/09 12:14 pm
Thanks Tom, great advice,  I really appreciate it!  Let me know how you are doing, things are getting a little better day by day as I approach new hurdles.  Take care, Juli
on 10/4/09 1:45 pm - South Lyon, MI
Juli, I had my realize band place 9/18/09, I am also on pureed foods and my weight has stopped. Still exercising and eating less. Must be an adjustment period. I am losing inches though. I have a tugging feeling where my port was placed. depending on how long I sit, it can become pretty uncomfortable.I'm fine standing or lying down  Barb
on 10/10/09 2:45 pm
Hi, Juli!  I had my surgery 9-15-09.  I am having a similar problem with my port.  For the first two weeks the port site did not bother me.  Now it is uncomfortable.  It does not seem to be as painful as yours.  Mine is more like an ache.  Feels a bit like your abs can after heavy abdominal exercises. 

But it doesn't really bother me too much unless I bend over in a certain way, press up against something with a bit of pressure like leaning against a kitchen counter, table or desk; or laying on my stomach or my side in a certain way.    Your pain sounds worse than mine.  I think I would continue to keep my doc aware of the pain unless is starts getting better and ask him to give you a range of time in which you can expect the pain to stop. 

I go in for my first fill next week and I will ask my surgeon about it, but it sounds like it maybe be normal.  Wonder why no one warned me about that so I would know what to expect and not be concerned.

Also I never feel full and I feel hungry most of the time.  I am eating far less food than I was before WLS and I have hardly lost any weight...maybe 3 pounds.  With Weigh****cher pre-op I could lose at least a pound or more a week if I stayed within my points.   And I ate a lot more.

I am thinking  that my body thinks it is literally starving and and so has slowed down my metabolism to conserve energy.  That type of thing has happened to me in the past with regular dieting.  I know my Weigh****chers instructor made the point often that you must eat all your daily points or you weight loss will slow or stop.  However, if this is true and others have had similiar probs post-op, then why do they have us eating only 800 cals a days!?!?!

Juli, I too, am frustrated and disappointed and worried that this isn't going to work for me.  I guess we have to hang in there until we get our fills and hope it gets better.

Good luck to you.  Let us know how it goes for you.
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