
OT, but could be OT (ON TOPIC) - Mom gone 14 years ago

Tom C.
on 9/16/09 9:33 pm, edited 9/16/09 9:39 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ

14 years ago my Mom lost her battle to cancer. She passed away of cervical and ovarian cancer. I can remember 18 years prior to her passing, she and her (our) Cousin were talking in my dining room and my Mom mentioning to her how she “wasn’t feeling right down there". Cousin Carol asked my Mom if she has gone to the Doctor to check it out, and my Mom’s reply was “Oh No. I don’t want to hear the “C" word" (for you young ones, the “C" word isn’t what you think – it’s means CANCER).

Well my Mom ignored all the signs. Fast forward about 15-16 years later, and one day I found my Mom “sleeping" in bed, very weak (not like my Mom). For some reason I pulled back the covers to her bed only to find her sleeping in a pool of blood from “the lower area". Of course she was rushed to the Hospital, test were taken – and it was discovered she had cancer of the cervix and uterus. They operated, they said they “got it all out" and she recovered. A year later she relapsed, and for 2 years she was on/off drugs and eventually chemo. The cancer finally took her life. She was 54. The Doctor told her (and us) that if she had come in 18 years sooner there is a very good chance she could have beaten this and lived longer. As a result, my Mom never got to meet her only Grandchild. And the death of my Mom hit my Dad so hard it eventually killed him too.

Now why am I posting this on a Weight Loss Forum? Not because I want you to feel sorry, or send condolences but to remind you of a few things:

(01) If you don’t feel well, GO SEE A DOCTOR!! I know, we’re all scared what the Doctor may say but early diagnosis is the KEY to BEATING a disease.

(02) IGNORING IS IGNORANT.  Your body is your best friend. IT won’t lie to you. It will tell you when something isn’t right. Don’t be an ostrich and stick your head in the sand. Listen to your body. Remember, everything in life can be replaced – except YOUR OWN HEALTH/LIFE!!

(03) NO ONE HAD CONTROL OVER YOUR BODY BUT YOU!! Many here state that their family member is “not on board" with their decision. WELL GUESS WHAT – only YOU have final say over your own health. NOTHING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN BEING ALIVE.

(04) DEATH IS FINAL – Yes going and having an operation may cause you to be temporarily incapacitated, and it may put a temporary strain on your family. When you’re dead, the strain and pain on the family is much greater.

If you’d like to honor my Mom’s life, please learn from her mistake, get healthy, and pass this along to anyone you think who will benefit from it. And if you do, tell them it’s a present of love and concern from you, and Margie (my Mom’s name).

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 9/16/09 9:53 pm
Tom...you're making me cry here.  I am sorry for your loss, and appreciate your story and your advice.  As always,  it hits the mark.  I would love to know what you do for a living....you must be a motivational speaker or something.
on 9/17/09 2:06 am - IL
Hi Tom
   i am a five year breast cancer survivor!. when i found the lump i knew that moment it was the "c" word...and i was right. i worked like he** to beat it and i did. but i also work with cancer patients and see them suffer everyday...some come in too late because "life gets in the way"
thank you for sharing your story, i'm sure people will be more aware of issues after they read this. i'm glad that you are strong enough to deal with your own issues all the while dealing with your mom's story.
Mary B.
on 9/17/09 2:11 am - Southern, MD


My mom is a 4 year breast cancer survivor. She was diagnosed VERY early. I am 36 and have been having my mammo's every year since then like clockwork.

    Banded Feb 23, 2009 / Revision to RNY Aug 25, 2010
on 9/17/09 6:48 pm
Excellent post - excellent reminders!!!   
November 10 will be the 6-year anniversary of my sister losing her battle with cervical cancer.  She died 3 days before her 38th birthday.  She skipped a yearly GYN check-up and it cost her her life.  She also ignored the symptoms (for about 6 months****il I forced her to go to the doctor.  By the time they found the cancer it was a tumor the size of a softball behind her cervix and had spread to her lymph nodes.  She lived less than 9 months after her diagnosis. Everything happens for a reason - I have to believe that.  But it still stinks.

You are SO right!  Don't ignore symptoms!  And don't wait til you have symptoms - get those yearly check-ups and Pap smears - they may save your life.  

Thank you for sharing your story!  I'm so sorry that your mother lost her battle with cancer.  I'm sorry for all the things she missed.  And for all the ways you're still missing her.

Take care!


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