

on 9/14/09 2:40 pm - KY
Hi everyone, I have great news. I finally have a date to get a Realize Band. I am so excited.
I go to Kings Daughter Hospital, it's in Ashland, ky. My big day is on the 24th of Sept. Just right around the corner.
Any advice for me : I am so nervous already but I am excited too.
Keep me in your prayers. I will be on that loser bench with the rest of you real soon. Kenworthlady
on 9/14/09 4:48 pm
 Congratulations on your surgery date!  That is SOON!  I was nervous too but the day of my surgery I was so happy that they probably thought I was a little crazy - lol!  

my advice is probably things you've heard before but it helped me get started out pretty well:
*  Keep working on changing your eating habits pre-op.
*  Make sure you have all of your vitamins, meds, etc in the form you need (chewable, liquid, etc)
*  Start eating meals without the beverage.  If I hadn't made the change pre-op I think it would have been harder.  It's still hard sometimes.
*   If you can, clean out the cupboards and refrigerator pre-op so there aren't many temptations when you come home.  I couldn't get rid of everything so I cleaned out a cabinet away from the "regular" pantry where I could put all my good food choices.  It helped me not have to sort through the tempting foods to find a band-friendly alternative.
*  And don't forget to walk - before and after surgery.  

I wish you all the success you're dreaming of!  Take care


Tom C.
on 9/14/09 10:29 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
CONGRATS on your date !!

My only advice: Be prepared for (what I like to call) the WLS Rollercoaster. You will be having some ups and downs before and after the operation. Mostly it will be UPs, with a few Down dips - but in the end it all worth it.

The other advice: Know we're all here for you to answer ANY question you have.

Holding your hand from 1.000 miles away !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 9/15/09 12:26 pm - KY
Thank you so much Tom. I needed that reassurance. And I am sure I will be asking lots of questions, this is a new thing for me. And I want to get it right the first time. lol. I am concerned with the pain after surgery, is it horrible or what am I to expect. I have heard different things about it. But I am determined to do this for my health and well being. Thanks
Tom C.
on 9/15/09 9:51 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
As you know each person is different. For me I basically had no pain. the only pain I had is what I equate to doing 1,000 sit-ups, and it lasted for 3 days. Plus my throat was sore for a few days, but I realized it was because of the tube in the throat.

My friend had "pain" for a day or so, and it was gone. Another person I know had "pain" for 3 days.

What I basically tell people is this: day 1 you'll ask yourself "WHAT THE &$^#^#& DID I DO TO MYSELF !!" .. Day 2 you'll say "I still hurt, but it's not really that bad" .. Day 3 - "You know, I don't really feel a thing" .. Day 4 - "Did they actually do anything to me? I don't feel it".
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 9/15/09 4:02 am - KY
Hi that was a great idea about cleaning the cupboards.  But I couldnt get rid of much , because my hubby likes his treats lol.
So I have my very own cabinet. I am going to stock it with all the things I can think of before surgery.
As far as drinking with a meal, well I dont and never have, so that helps on that part. But I sure will miss my straws.
I got rid of the pepsi pretty easy and I was a 6 pack a day drinker lol. But I am having a lot of trouble letting my coffee go. Any suggestions, I drink coffee from the time i get up till I go to bed.
Thanks for all your help.      kenworthlady
Rachel S.
on 9/14/09 10:32 pm - Montclair, NJ
Just to add to the previous reply - also have at home before surgery all the protein you will need, jello, popsicles, broth for when you are on clear liquids. And, I wish I would have thought of wearing pants a tad looser, so it wouldn't have rubbed on my incision site, making it a little more red and irritatated. I know this sounds like TMI, or too much info, but after being on clear liquids for a couple days, I got diarrhea, so I wish I would have had some huge pantyliners on so I wouldn't have had a laundry accident.

Congrats on your surgery date and keep in touch!
on 9/15/09 3:57 am - KY
Thanks for the info. That was very helpful. I will go shopping before I go in and try to round up all this stuff. And find me some stretch pants to wear, or maybe pajama bottoms.
I am really counting down to this day. I have waited a long time for this to come true for me. Thanks again for the reply . kenworthlady
LIsa M.
on 9/15/09 4:50 am - Manahawkin, NJ
congrats on your surgery day :)  Like others have said make sure to have things before surgery especially protein while on clear liquids. 
on 9/15/09 4:55 am - Bradley, SC

Congrats!!! U and I will be just a couple of weeks apart....my date is 10/7. Does anyone have any tips on doing the liquids, I have to do 10 days pre op too. And what kind of vitamins do you take when you are doing liquids only (pre op and post op) I'm sure I have been told, but I feel so overwhelmed with all this information.

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