
Need Advice :(

on 9/5/09 9:45 am
I don't get to post much due to my goofy work schedule ( I work nights and sleep days) but I do lurk and read posts as much as I can.

I was hoping someone could answer a few questions for me. One month ago I had gastric banding (Realize Band) and yesterday I recieved my first "fil." While I was at the dr apt he had to take out a little saline b/c I had trouble getting some water down. I ended up having 4cc's of saline in my band.  Now today I don't feel much restriction at all. I guess I was thinking that the restrictive feeling would feel more like right after the surgery when everything felt very "tight" Is this normal? Please any advice you could give would be appreciated!
Thanks so much,


on 9/5/09 3:33 pm - Blanchard, OK
Hi Sukie,

I do think this is normal. I sort of expected the same thing after my fills. I have had two so far, but I am only at 3.5 cc. I hope to have another fill within the next week or two. I could eat a lot more than I do. The only thing I have experienced is "almost" stuck episodes with certain foods if I don't chew well. Next fill will be under fluoro, so I hope to have more restriction by then.

Also, I work nights too and sleep days. So, I know how you feel!
  Starting WT:  275   Surgery Wt:  248.8   Current Wt: 202.5 Goal:  140
on 9/5/09 4:47 pm
 Hi Sukie!  I went through a similar situation.  My first fill was 5.5cc and I felt okay for about 24 hrs and then I was hungrier than I had been at any point since surgery.  So i called my surgeon and told him how much the hunger had increased - he had me come back in and put another 2cc in.  That was on 8/21 and I'm still feeling decent restriction with it.  

After the fill did your dr say you can progress back to soft foods yets?  How are they doing?  What about solid proteins?  Has your doctor given the okay to eat those yet? If so, you're still not feeling full?  My surgeon wanted me to move to solid foods before he would add the additional saline that week.  His idea was that if I was eating solid proteins and still not feeling satisfied then he didn't want me to start losing my momentum since I'd been doing well until that point.  

I know everyone is different and that every surgeon is different.  But to me it made sense to call.  I know that doesn't help you right at this moment, though.  Hang in there!  


on 9/6/09 1:44 am - Garland, TX
REALIZE Band on 05/04/09 with
Are you on liquids for a couple of days?  The restriction after a fill isn't really like the restriction after surgery when even fluids can fill you up.  It is hard to fight the hunger when you can't have solid food, so right after a fill is the worst.  I couldn't judge my restriction until after I was able to eat solid food a few days after my fills.

If you are on liquids for a few days, I recommend eating something like lentil soup.  The fiber and protein help fight the hunger a little bit.


on 9/6/09 2:31 am
Thanks so much guys. I feel a little better now, I called the on call Dr ( I hated to bug him) and he put my mind at ease as well. I think I was expected the really tight feeling after the surgery and when I didn't get that I thought the fill hadn't taken. Then I tried to eat chicken last night and I threw up. So THEN I was worried I would get a slip lol. Man am I a hypochondriac or what? He did say it was next to impossible to get a slip from just throwing up one time. I tried to eat solids too fast. It's not my fault, the doc that did my fill really didn't explain the progression back to solids to me, he just said "Take it easy for a day."
Oh well, That's what you guys are here for! Thanks so much!


on 9/6/09 4:17 am - Garland, TX
REALIZE Band on 05/04/09 with
FYI, I've had both my fills on a Friday.  I'm on liquids over the weekend, soft foods on Monday and Tuesday, and back to regular foods on Wednesday.


on 9/6/09 6:46 am - IL
i have had 4 fills 8cc total....you don;t want to be tight or fill to fast without knowing how to eat and what the band will let you eat after each fill. i have perfect restriction right now....but it was about 9 months before i was at 8cc and the sweet spot. good luck and chew chew chew.
on 9/6/09 8:55 pm - Chatham, NJ

Give it some time.  The fill could kick in up to two weeks later depending on many other things going on in your body.  In the meantime, don't forget to exercise and make good food choices.  Restriction will come over time, but these other things you can start doing right from day 1.  Good luck!

on 9/8/09 12:02 am - Germantown, TN
I just got my 4th fill last Monday putting me at 6cc's in an 11 cc band.  One week later and I am still not able to eat too much...I am pretty tight and get full on a few bites....now my head has to catch up to that!    The last 10 pounds (on the last .5 to get off) has taken me almost 11 weeks!  I have been very frustrated...but I guess the body will get rid of it when it is ready...hopefully it will come off quicker with this fill.

Good luck to you, just be patient and take one day at a time.
Cathlena - 39, 4'11"   Start - 210  3/31/09    BMI  Start: 42.4    
 LilySlim - (OdX3)
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