
my surgery is in 3 days (9/3/09) and I am feeling mixed emotions...

on 8/31/09 3:34 am
REALIZE Band on 09/03/09 with
How do I prepare for the next few days???



on 8/31/09 3:43 am - Goodyear, AZ
Dedi, I too had mixed emotions but you will get through it ok. I had surgery on 8-21-09 and don't regret it! The first couple weeks are tough with the liquid diet after the surgery but I know it will all be worth it in the end! Keep your chin up and welcome to the losing bench!
on 8/31/09 3:52 am
REALIZE Band on 09/03/09 with

How are you feeling today?  How did your surgery go?  Were there any problems or was is smooth sailing?  How about when you got home, how long before you felt "normal"?



on 8/31/09 3:59 am - Goodyear, AZ
I'm feeling great today. Only a little soreness around the port. I had to stay 1 night in the hospital due to having sleep apnea but I was only on pain meds for 2 days after surgery. I'd have to say the toughest part right now is going to social activities. We went to a barbeque and I couldn't eat any of the food. I was feeling "normal" about a week after surgery. The surgery went fine but the surgeon told my husband that the band I wanted (Allergan) wasn't a good choice for my body style so he put in the Realize band.
on 8/31/09 4:32 am
REALIZE Band on 09/03/09 with
Tell me about the socializing thing... yesterday we went to my in-laws for a birthday dinner... I can eat on my pre op diet, but not what everyone else was eating.. it was very hard.  I am hoping we can avoid all social activities until I am back on food again.  I am just happy that I will be past the rough part in time to see my family at thanksgiving.  That is the only time I see my family and I would have hated to pass up seeing everyone.




on 8/31/09 3:57 am
You know that everyone is different .but I think that having  soft chipped ice helped me alot. I had difficulty swallowing at first and eating ice seemed to help sooth my stomach. I also drank from a very small cup that way I got smaller drinks and it went down easier. You will only be able to drink very small amount at first so don't be alarmed for the first few day or two. I found that if I mixed the flavor packets for Ramen noodles with chicken broth it was very soothing and filled the       Bettyneed for solid food . Wishing you the very best with surg .I had surg 7-30-09 and would it all over again ,I am very happy with mine .
on 8/31/09 4:29 am
REALIZE Band on 09/03/09 with

Are you eating foods now?  I am so angry with food right now doing this preop diet.  I can't wait for the surgery to be over so don't feel like I am eating the same things over and over again.




on 8/31/09 5:09 am
Yes, I am eating soft foods and am doing very well The pre-op diet your are on now is the worst part of the surg . I was sore and really had trouble with the protien drinks , but I got by with jello , popcicles and the broth the first few days . I had surg and came home the next daythen made a250 mile trip the next . I would't advise that but I had no problems. I noticed a big difference in the way I felt on the 9th day . It was like i got up and felt like a different person. You just take one day at a time drink very slowly with just small sips and small bites, even jello. i could eat a little more than a half of a small container of jello at first and it would take me 30 min to do that . You will do fine ,like I said the worst part is where you are now.
Rachel S.
on 8/31/09 4:31 am - Montclair, NJ

I had my surgery on Tues 8/18 and I am 2 weeks post-op tomorrow. It's normal to have mixed emotions right now.

In regards to preparation: my doctor instructed me to be on a clear liquid diet the day before surgery and nothing to eat after midnight. I also made sure I had everything at home ready that I needed: protein powder, multivitamin powder or chewables, water bottles, Sugar Free jello, Sugar Free popsicles and broth. I also made sure I had an antibiotic soap (such as Dial) to wash with the morning of the surgery. After the surgery, I wish I would have thought of having a pair of pants that were a little loose because my jeans rubbed my incision site and made it sore.

I remember waking up from my surgery so happy. I am so happy I did this and will do it all over again if I had to. Best wishes for you :)
on 8/31/09 4:44 am
REALIZE Band on 09/03/09 with
Thanks Rachel,

I have been seeing your posts... you have had such a great outlook on all of this...  We went to the store last night and bought all kinds of stuff. 

I had to dig in my closest today to find my scrubs.  I plan on wearing those to the surgery.  Did you have to stay over night?  Mine is supposed to be done and then I get to go home a few hours later.

I did manage today to sort my clothing by size... I have like 5 different sizes in my closet... now I will get to back track through the old and soon get some new




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