
Pre-Op Diet

on 8/16/09 9:59 am
I am still waiting for my surgery date, but I would like to start the pre-op diet now to get going in the right direction. Can anyone please tell me what the pre-op diet consists of and how long you do the diet before surgery?
on 8/16/09 3:08 pm
 I started the pre-op diet 7 days prior to surgery. It's pretty bland so I don't know how far in advance you would want to start. Depending on how far out your surgery date is you may start the high protein, low carb, and low sugar diet which is what you will be on after you go back on solids after surgery. But, the pre-op diet is basically the following.

1. Slim-Fast Optima, Or Low carb Slim fast (Is what my doctor had me on)
2. Broth (chicken, Beef, or vegetable)
3. Sugar free Jello
4. Sugar free pop cycles
5. Any thing to drink that was sugar free, decaffeinated, and non carbonated.

I was on a liquid diet for 2 weeks post-op and you could have everything above but you could add, creamed soups - no chunks, sugar free pudding, cream of wheat, yogurt, and pureed fruits and vegetables, and vegetable juice.

I was able to go back on solids last wednesday so the liquid diet phase is still pretty fresh in my head. The pre-op diet was the hardest part for me. But, I would ask your doctor how soon before surgery they would want you on the liquid diet. Everyones case is going to be a little different so I would talk with your doctor. But, I can tell you that I am LOVING, LOVING my band. I go in for my first fill on the 26th and I can't wait!!!
on 8/17/09 6:14 am - Malvern, AR
My pre-op diet was 2 weeks before hand and consisted of 2 Chike Protein powder shakes a day and 1 small meal.  I usually drank the shakes for breakfast and lunch and ate a small meal at dinner.

* preop - 226 lbs * postop - 221 lbs * current - 214 lbs
3.2 cc in 10cc band 
Live like it matters...............

on 8/17/09 6:41 am
my surgeon does not require or recommend a pre-op diet.

I followed Weigh****chers for the 10 weeks before my surgery --- and lost 20 pounds, but didn't have any pre-op requirements from my doctor except to stop eating and drinking by 10pm the night before the procedure.

Check with your surgeon's office -- some require you to purchase shakes/protein bars from their practice -- some give you guidelines to follow on your own and some don't require anything.

on 8/17/09 10:25 am
Thank you all for taking the time to answer my question. You are all doing so great! I can't wait for my surgery date!
on 8/20/09 9:46 am
I would probably wait until you have a surgery date to start the hardcore pre-op diet. No need to torture yourself just yet!! :)

For now, I would google "liver cleansing diet". Shrinking your liver is the main goal of the pre-op diet... it makes installing the band easier. I would focus more on eating liver-healthy foods than anything!! There are plenty of healthy foods you can eat.

I started a liver cleansing diet about 6 weeks prior to surgery (before I had my date).... then I did a 2-week pre-op diet of liquids only. Come surgery day, my liver was tiny and in perfect health! :)

HW: 243lbs   SW: 222lbs  CW: 198lbs GW: 140lbs
                                              I'm just a hair under 5'1.
                                     12/1/2009- Third Fill, 7cc in a 11cc band
                                     11/3/2009- Finally under 200lbs!!! YAY!!

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