
someone advise me please

on 8/14/09 6:44 am
 OK here is my dilemma I've been approved for surgery have a date 9/29 but am very confused on wicth surgery i want rny or the band up until my last visit with my doctor i was set on rny but he suggested i go with the band he said the rny would have me to look malnourished he said because of the amount of weight i needed to loose 75lbs the band would be perfect he said rny would have me look like a BOBBLE HEAD he also stated that ultimately it is my decision.


on 8/14/09 9:13 am - Garland, TX
REALIZE Band on 05/04/09 with
I agree with your doctor.  RNY seems like a pretty radical surgery for only 75 pounds.  Of course, I needed to lose 115 pounds and thought that rny was too radical for me.

What are the reasons that you originally wanted RNY and not the band?


on 8/14/09 9:25 am
 to stop the yo yo effect up and down weight loss.


on 8/14/09 9:35 am
I think you have less chance of 'rebound' weight gain with the Band since it is adjustable for life.
If you were to gain any weight back, you can always see your surgeon, and have a fill to re-adjust your band.

If you have RNY and 'overeat' your pouch, your only real recourse is a revision surgery.

With only 75 pounds to lose, I would think that the slow and steady weight loss for life that the band offers would be a great solution for you.

That being said, I am not a medical professional --- so my opinion is just that of a happy Realize Band recipient who had surgery when I had 100 pounds to lose.

on 8/16/09 3:00 am
I agree with you Kath, that's why I chose the band!  I have friends who had RNY and both have gained back a tremendous amount of weight.  I figured I can always have the band tightened to control that.  Made sense to me. 


One Day at a Time.

on 8/20/09 10:22 am, edited 8/20/09 10:23 am
Excellent insight Kathy. That's exactly why I chose the band. I want to lose 80-100 and want it to be a fairly gradual process. These adjustments require rather significant lifestyle changes. To me, the more gradual the change, the better the chance that I stick with it for life.
on 8/14/09 4:54 pm
I also had my RNY scheduled and then changed to the Realize Band two weeks prior to my surgery date.  So glad I did!  I've talked with so many RNY patients who are 5+ years post-op and the side effects they live with everyday wasn't worth it - and I had 130 lbs to lose.  With the band you can live pretty normal and not have the RNY issues.

But whatever surgery you choose - I wish you the best of luck!  It's a personal decision and only you know what's best for you. 

Take care!

(deactivated member)
on 8/14/09 2:25 pm, edited 8/15/09 1:47 am - Golden, CO
My goal was to lose 95 lbs. I was all set to have RNY and two days before my surgery I wimped out and switched to the LapBand. I was banded at 7:30 in the morning and was home by 1:00PM. I even asked in the recovery room whether they were sure I really had the surgery. Anyway, I've lost 52 lbs. since June 1st and am very happy to still have my original plumbing. Good luck with your journey!
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